[Center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200208/11ab2a550904b962041573fbfc392a1d.png[/img] [Color=mediumpurple]Time:[/color] Night [Color=mediumpurple]Location:[/color] Roshmi Grand Hall [Color=mediumpurple]Interaction:[/color] [@Potter] Artemis [/center] [Center][img]https://i.imgur.com/O6vqgQo.png[/img][/center] Artemis' reluctance to share what she was keeping from Darius only provided a window of opportunity for an interruption. The sound of some kind of commotion caught his ear, and though he wanted to know what Artemis had to share, he needed to stay focused on the mission at hand. Besides, Myra was out there without him. She was no damsel, but the last time he left her alone, things did not go so well. The noises of the other guests led Darius back into the ballroom. And as he entered his attention was drawn to the projection on the walls. Displayed was the pink-haired fairy that had gotten so much attention when she had entered the Roshmi Grand Hall. She was indeed beautiful and probably deserved the spotlight. The technology or magic at use was intriguing and sort of reminded him of Aklenroth's message in the sky. Was it the same kind of ingenuity? Darius wondered with curiosity as he looked about before her initial sputter of nervous words morphed into verbal daggers that struck him. His eyes fixed on hers with a fury he had not felt or expressed since the day he met Aklenroth. The day he was shown the countless deaths of those irresponsibly and inconsiderately brought into this world. The lost… by this world and the former. Her very form seemed to twist in his perception as he heard her proud words. How she promised a way home. He didn't even notice his right hand balling so tightly that it caused his arm to tremble ever so slightly. She was part of what he hated about his and all the other humans' circumstances in this world. Her approach was gentle but her motive was far from it. Like pawns, humans were being used to kick off a game of chess. The game could not start without them of course. No matter the winner, the pawns ran the high risk of being sacrificed. All for a king… or in this case, a princess. [Color=darkgray][i]She mocks you. You and the rest of your kind. Just look at her weakness! The cowardice of these fae! Always pushing others to the front... You hate her, don't you? You hate her! She couldn't even face the crowd in person. A message that cannot be challenged and only be heard! We kill her and we end this Darius. Remember. No rebellion. No reason to fight... Darius, I shall burn this feeling into your memory! Like all of those horrid visions I have shown you! It may feel like a curse. A nightmare even. But it is a gift that pushes you further. Makes you stronger. Let's find her Darius… Come on![/I][/color] Whether it was Malgormuun's doing or just his emotions getting the better of his senses, Darius could still see Risa so clearly on the wall. Even after the projection changed to the horrific display of a fairy that had been fatally violated, her face was visible. It took the place of the unfortunately mutilated woman's face. Was this what he desired? Is [i]this[/i] what he wanted for her? [Color=mediumpurple][i]No. I don't want that.[/i][/color] He seemed calmer now. Malgormuun was quiet and oddly satisfied despite the young man's demeanor seemingly going away from the anger he had been feeling. Instead, there was sorrow. He nodded to himself, preparing himself for what he was about to do. With a look of pride, he raised a fist proudly. [Color=mediumpurple]"Why not take a chance! I stand with Princess Millinia! Down with the Lich King!"[/color] Darius shouted as a few around him began to nod reluctantly before another cried out. "Princess Millinia!" "Down with the Lich King!" Another cheered. "End his tyranny!" Someone shouted. "Stand with the fairy princess!" The few soon became the many within the crowd. Some of it was just drunken excitement, but there are those who legitimately wanted to see Aklenroth fall in the face of righteousness.