[center][h1][b][color=Brown]Kara Samson[/color][/b][/h1] [img] https://i.imgur.com/pS0fGmu.png[/img] [hr][/center] [sub]Take two supernatural boogaloo[/sub] Kara never really bothered to look behind her when the big shockwave hit, mainly because there were two big ass abstractions banging knuckles behind her, kicking up all manners of dirt and debris as Kara continued to book it while being only [i]partially[/i] mesmerized by the orange light from Mariah’s abstraction. Sure, it was weird to look at, but that didn’t matter because Kara had the flag and Madison sure as hell didn’t throw her for nothing, right? Kara swore she heard someone yelling at her, but with all the commotion going on, this bitch wasn’t about to slow down and get crushed by Jurassic Ghost. In the corner of her eye, Kara saw a girl moving towards her, she didn’t register it since she was on the other team, so she tried to outrun the girl. That very clearly didn’t work. In the middle of storming across the field like there was no tomorrow, Kara felt a pair of legs come and absolutely dust her side. She got tackled to the ground. It was kind of painful considering the fact that she got slammed into the dirt. [color=brown]”Ow! What w-“[/color] Of course, in the sudden daze that felt like an eternity, someone got her flag. Honestly it felt some that woman broke her ribs, but Kara was fine. [color=brown]”Great...”[/color] Not great. Suddenly Kara couldn’t move either! A purple glow wrapped itself around Kara’s body like a a cage, and Kara couldn’t move. There were no two ways about it. Kara tried struggling all she could, the most she could do was shake her head back and forth and try to squirm, but somebody on the other team had her on lock down. Kara’s tree arm began to slowly slide back into its normal state as the bark dissipated. [color=brown]”What is this? What’s happening?”[/color] The pain from getting finessed like a child was still lingering in her side as Kara’s eyes darted across the field trying to think of something. Meanwhile, the girl who called checkmate was already running off with the flag. It was funny, really, Kara’s abstraction was meant to protect people and she couldn’t protect herself from the least supernatural attack she had seen all day. Smashing. [sub][@The Ghost Note][@FernStone][@Atrophy][/sub]