Her hands accepted the offered items without hesitation, though she made no move yet to really fill her stomach. She was curious and a bit sad to notice how bare this single room looked, while spotless it seemed to lack the warmth that filled her own home. Glancing around her mind fills in the gaps with what her own living has in it, and it makes her chest ache. With a slow shake of her head, Rayne uncaps the bottle before bringing it to her lips. Talking slow slips of water, Rayne can't help but allow her mind to wander. There was no fireplace that held a propped up TV, nor was there a coffee table in front of twin sofas with a recliner tucked in beside the window. No carpet decorated the wooden floor, and no pictures lined the walls. Setting down the bottle she lifts the gronola bar, having to use her teeth when her fingers prove to be to shaky. Her mind flashes back to the nearly invisible smile she'd seen, and it made her chest ache in a way she couldn't explain. No other words were spoken between them for the longest time, the only sound that filled the air was the rain and thunder from outside. The water and bar gave her back some energy, and with it Rayne settled her legs over the edge of the couch to properly sit up. Her eyes focused on on the way her right side was all be drenched in blood, and just how ashen her skin looked. Exhaling softly she settled her hands along her sides, before pushing herself up to her feet. ~~~~ By the time the storm began to slow, Rayne was fighting to keep her eyes open again. Time felt endless when you were forced to stay still, and it bothered her. There was no clock to offer a time and her bag was nowhere within reach, she hadn't moved much honesty but it felt good to be up. If she had to guess it was almost four, which meant Samuel would be home soon from his shift at the local bookstore. "I...think it'd be best if I go now." She states into the silence, glancing at Adrienne before focusing on the front door. "If you'd be willing to offer me a ride home I'd be grateful." She adds before taking a step forward, wincing when the action jars her arm. Cooking dinner will be a challenge seeing as its her dominant hand she uses, so will everything really but she'll manage. Somehow. Though she feels somewhat alright in Adrienne's presence, they are virtual strangers and it's clear that the other girl isn't much of a talker. Not that she is in all honesty, but there feels to be like a wall surrounds the other girl that's meant to keep others at a distance. Making her way towards the front door, she heard Essa follow her as her fingers wrap around the handle, [@SomeoneSomewere]