Angela was shocked, and reasonably so. Lee had seemingly beat the past champion of the tournament with ease, but the tables were immediately turned when he fought Bakuto. While he had also taken damage, Bakuto's afterimage attack wiped the floor with Lee. Angela was getting pumped, especially since she was going to be facing off against Niko. Finally, a true fight... Hopefully... [quote]"Good luck on your match. I'll be looking forward to seeing this match up. Make a good show out there, from what I have seen this semi final round should be a real good one."[/quote] Bakuto had approached Angela and Niko, and with some words of encouragement, went off to go find a seat for the fight. Angela took a deep breath and looked at Niko, this was it. The trumpets sounded and the two walked out to their respective sides of the arena, the crowds cheers dimming as they waited for the gong. [color=fff79a]"I'm not gonna go easy on you... So you better not go easy on me! No quitting half way... No holding back... I want this to be a true fight!"[/color] She declared as she got into her stance. Acknowledging any words Niko might have said, Angela took one last deep breath and focused as the sound of the gong rang out. She quickly took the offensive and rushed at Niko, at this point, she was wanting to make the first move now. She quickly moved to the side as she rushed at him, aiming a fist to his gut. Quick Gut Punch Health: 110 Power: 110 Attack: 50 Speed: 40 Defense: 20