Hi, this looks really interesting, I thought that I'd throw my hat in the ring, if there's still room? [hider=Zeke] [center][color=d2b570]Zeke[/color][/center] [indent][table][row][/row][row][cell][center] [img]https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn%3AANd9GcRqkWA-NMZHZjzQWSnTkDOLCgytmMt9P2z9yQ&usqp=CAU[/img] [color=82a17d][b]Ezekiel Jankowitz[/b][/color] [color=d2b570]▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔[/color] [color=ece4d5]17 | Male | 6'0 | Bisexual | Junior[/color] [color=d2b570]▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔[/color] [color=ece4d5]Dislikes[/color][/center][sub][sub]♦[/sub] [color=B8C5B3][i]Brocoli and Cauliflower[/i][/color] [sub]♦[/sub][color=B8C5B3] [i]Extreme heat[/i][/color] [sub]♦[/sub][color=B8C5B3] [i]Stupid books/movies/stories that serve no other purpose than to make people feel depressed, like 'Romeo&Juliet' and 'Titanic'[/i][/color] [sub]♦[/sub][color=B8C5B3] [i]Group projects[/i][/color] [sub]♦[/sub][color=B8C5B3] [i]Sports - he's clumsy[/i][/color] [sub]♦[/sub][color=B8C5B3] [i]Spiders[/i][/color] [sub]♦[/sub][color=B8C5B3] [i]Not being able to sleep[/i][/color] [sub]♦[/sub][color=B8C5B3] [i]Going to the doctor[/i][/color][/sub] [center][color=ece4d5]Likes[/color][/center][sub][sub]♦[/sub] [color=B8C5B3][i]Walking barefoot[/i][/color] [sub]♦[/sub][color=B8C5B3] [i]Relaxing somewhere with a good book[/i][/color] [sub]♦[/sub][color=B8C5B3] [i]Fall and Winter[/i][/color] [sub]♦[/sub][color=B8C5B3] [i]Acting out scenes from books[/i][/color] [sub]♦[/sub][color=B8C5B3] [i]Sleeping/Dreaming[/i][/color] [sub]♦[/sub][color=B8C5B3] [i]Extremely salty/spicy food[/i][/color] [sub]♦[/sub][color=B8C5B3] [i]Queen and the Amazing Devils are the best bands[/i][/color] [sub]♦[/sub][color=B8C5B3] [i]Cats[/i][/color][/sub] [color=d2b570]▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔[/color] [center][color=ece4d5]skills[/color][/center][sub][sub]♦[/sub] [color=B8C5B3][i]Ezekiel has a knack for languages, having become fluent in several during his family’s travels, namely: Afrikaans, English, Italian, French, German, Spanish, Nederlands and ASL He is currently also studying Japanese, Chinese and Latin. Other than that, he’s a good writer who rarely – if ever – makes any spelling or grammatical errors. [/i][/color][/sub] [center][color=ece4d5]gift[/color][/center][sub][sub]♦[/sub] [color=B8C5B3][i]Zeke’s true gift is that he doesn’t just enjoy stories, he [i][b]lives[/b][/i] them. He can immerse himself so deep into a story, he almost becomes one with the characters, he feels what they feel, he adopts their mannerisms, he even alters his voice to sound more like how he thinks they would sound. He gets to know the characters so intimately that when he acts out scenes from a movie or a book, he’s able to push aside any anxiety or worries that he might have had because he isn’t himself anymore but the character that he’s playing. This helps him tremendously when trying to write a scene and if he ever decides to give the drama department a chance, it will ensure that he excels there as well.[/i][/color][/sub] [/cell][cell][indent][indent][color=b05e4f][color=75988c]•[/color]p e r s o n a l i t y[/color] [indent][color=82a17d]Due to his upbringing, Zeke isn’t used to interacting with other people, especially not people his own age. He’s terrified of saying or doing something wrong and offending someone or becoming the school pariah – enough movies and too little personal experience tends to do that. Because of this, he constantly wears this mask when he’s around others, where he plays the part of just some quiet unassuming guy, who doesn’t make trouble and works hard in class. When interacting with someone, he does his best to be friendly and polite but some of his anxiety always bleeds through which leads to him excusing himself. Once he’s alone and able to relax, though, he’s like a completely different person - funny, playful and sometimes even a little silly. If anybody manages to get close enough to discover that side of him, they’ll also find that he’s passionate and prone to rants if he truly cares about something, that he’s kind and always willing to listen if there’s something they need to get off their chest. He doesn’t really demand anything from anyone other than basic respect and common decency, but he has no big expectations otherwise. He’s also willing to help out friends if they need it, whether its letting them borrow his notes or helping them to work out a particularly difficult problem, even if they just need a human soundboard. He has a bit of a one-track mind at times; puzzling over a word he doesn’t know the meaning of, trying to come up with a bit of dialogue for one of his stories or just trying to work out if there was a hidden meaning in the way their Math and English teachers smiled at each-other. If there is something on his mind it tends to distract him until he either comes up with an answer or something even bigger comes along. This also sometimes leads to him skipping a meal or two because he simply lost track of the time. He is also one of those people who, if they read before bed keeps saying ‘Just one more chapter…’ until either the book is finished or its time to get up, whichever happens first. [/color][/indent] [color=b05e4f][color=75988c]•[/color]h i s t o r y[/color] [indent][color=82a17d] Growing up, Zeke never had just one place he could call home – they moved around too much for that, his mother’s job taking them all around the world frequently. They never stayed anywhere for more than a few months at a time, never long enough to get attached, make friends or even to unpack all their things. As a result, Zeke didn’t attend regular schools, but was home-schooled by his father – who used to be a linguistics professor in South Africa before quitting to marry his mother. This resulted in him missing out on a lot of things growing up, but he had also experienced more of the world than other kids his age ever would, had adventures, made memories and met a lot of interesting people through the years. His only regret was that how lonely it could get. He loved his parents and they spent as much time with him as they could, but they were grownups with responsibilities and couldn’t play with him the way other children his age could and since he didn’t have any siblings he was often left to his own devices. So in order to keep himself entertained, he took to acting out movies he watched, practicing in front of a mirror until he could copy the people and their expressions almost perfectly. When he ran out of movies, he started doing the same with books – which was admittedly more difficult since he didn’t get an example of what things were supposed to look like beforehand. He did it though, learned how to read between the lines, how to immerse himself so fully into the story that the characters words and emotions came almost second nature – so much so at times that he found himself disagreeing with what happened, convinced that they would have acted another way. He wrote as much in a letter to the author of one of his books, stating very politely in his humble opinion as a twelve-year-old that their book was brilliant but that what Character A did and said here and here and, in this situation, as well, didn’t make sense. Yes, it was nice to read, but ultimately he behaved ooc in those situations and that it would have been more realistic if he had done this and said that instead. The author wrote back that there was no changing the book now, but that if he was unsatisfied, he should try writing his own story. Zeke did. His stories weren’t very long, and the first few didn’t make much sense, but once he knew how to properly balance his characters, how to make them more like actual people, they started steadily improving. He entered one of his short stories into a writing contest held by some magazine once, when he was fifteen. He won second place as well as the award for ‘Best original characters’. That same magazine published two of his other stories a year later. His social life might be more-or-less none existent other than his parents and a few casual acquaintances around the globe, but he was happy…then his father was offered his dream job and well, he had given up his career once for his mother, she thought it only fair that he gets his chance to advance as well. The only problem was Ezekiel. His father had always been Zeke’s teacher, but now that he has a day-job again that’s no longer an option. But Zeke has never been to a regular school before, he’s used to listening to music while doing his coursework, to working as far ahead as his father allows him to, regardless of what the school’s curriculum says, to pause an explanation if there’s a term he doesn’t understand so that he can go do some research until he understands. He doesn’t know how to thrive in a normal school, he doesn’t know how to work with other students, doesn’t know what social rules are taboo, if high school is like the stories or if its completely different. Knowing he’s about to find out one way or another terrifies him. It took a lot of research, from both him and his parents into prospective schools before they stumbled upon Wellington Academy, but out of all the other schools, this one seemed to be Zeke’s best chance. It would still be a challenge, even more so considering that it is a boarding school, but the curriculum was better than a public school, and his parents promised to make other arrangements if after a few months he truly felt that he couldn’t do it, so Zeke agreed to take the shot and applied, receiving an acceptance letter not long after. [/color] [indent][img]https://i.pinimg.com/474x/82/22/95/82229583a21ea9e3c27221475e2849e6.jpg[/img][/indent][/indent] [color=b05e4f][color=75988c]•[/color]cottage[/color] [indent][color=82a17d]will be assigned by GM[/color][/indent] [color=b05e4f][color=75988c]•[/color]what did you pack?[/color] [indent][color=82a17d][i][list] [*][sub] Basic necessities like hygiene products and clothes[/sub] [*][sub] Some extra blankets[/sub] [*][sub] A few journals filled to the brim with local stories and legends he collected from all the different places he lived in[/sub] [*][sub] Several notebooks, a few already filled with ideas for stories and characters and plans for several possible plots.[/sub] [*][sub] Writing supplies[/sub] [*][sub] His laptop, phone and their chargers[/sub] [*][sub] A wooden carving of a turtle[/sub] [*][sub] A box filled with his favorite books - the rest are stored digitally on his laptop[/sub] [*][sub] A photo-album filled with pictures of his family[/sub] [*][sub] A small first-aid kit (just for in case)[/sub] [*][sub] A framed picture of a cat hanging of a tree branch with the words 'Hang in there, buddy!' on it[/sub] [/list][/i][/color][/indent] [indent][right][hider=extras] [center][color=ece4d5]Exstras[/color][/center] [color=B8C5B3][i][list] [*][sub] He's left-handed[/sub] [*][sub] Bites his lip or the inside of his cheek when he's nervous/thinking[/sub] [*][sub] When he's bored or deep in thought, he tends to tap with his fingers,pens or pencils[/sub] [*][sub] Allergic to bees[/sub] [*][sub] He almost always sits on the floor, even when chairs are available[/sub] [*][sub] Never been in a relationship - was never in one place long enough[/sub] [/list][/i][/color] [color=B8C5B3]Weller Stars: 0 Weller Moons: 0[/color] [url=https://youtu.be/UErTIqZ8gyE?list=PLracL-Q6kOYsYWfRwBe1xeznrE4ey6dMk]theme song[/url] - For now, depends on if I find something better. [/hider][/right][/indent][/indent][/indent][/cell][/row][/table][/indent] [/hider]