"Well for now, let us just enjoy the night." Amal whispered, and he pulled her closer to kiss her again. There was something about holding Emmaline in his arms and kissing her that thrilled him, even so soon after making love. The two lovers snuggled and kissed atop the mound of cushions for another undetermined amount of time before nature called. A less pleasurable but still very relevant side of nature, causing Amal to untangle himself from his girlfriend. "I'll be right back." he told her, only for her to give him a look. "I said I will be one moment! I must have chugged the flagon a bit too much before we had our fun. Hold on, my love." The tanned thief stood up, making his way over to the door, naked. There was only two ways out of the house, and since the night was dark and the torches were lit far off he didn't see the harm in taking a leak out in front. Amal opened the door, only to hear a 'thwump' and a scattering of things. His keen eyes caught four women gaping at him. "Och! Sorry we er, we 'eard some noises that well..." the lead one gulped, looking to the others. "Goodbye!" They scrambled away like starved dogs, and Amal shook his head with a smirk. At Emmaline's curious call, he called back to her. "Just a few lost villagers," he said to her. Were they really that curious, and had they been watching? He glanced back at Emmaline, her naked curves evident and her chest thrust out as she stretched. You know, Amal could not blame them on second thought. It was very nippy out so he closed the door just for a moment so he could go and finish his business. "Allah, I am not certain what I did to please you. But in the matter of a companion, you did not disappoint." He said into the night air.