[h3][color=f6989d]Jeimseu the Silent Assassin[/color][/h3][hr] Yearning. There was a yearning to complete his mission, but all of that would have to wait for a brief while as class was soon to start and his presence was unfortunately required. He did not want to draw any sort of suspicion to himself in any way, and for that matter, he had made numerous friends to act as alibis in case he ever needed any. Homeroom was his favorite class. It was the time in which he got to play around with everyone. He was flirtatious only to those he could get a reaction out of. There was one guy, Pablo, who had caught his eye the moment he'd met him, but he never truly said anything more to him than a passing "hi" or "have a great day" to which he'd get the normal response or none at all. As he entered the classroom, he took note of everyone there. "Hey love bugs," Jeimseu said as he strolled in. The girls all smile and seemed to giggle at the chance to change his orientation or perhaps they just felt the need to giggle because Jeim was the fashion icon of the school. His popularity wasn't something he took for granted. He didn't like all the attention, even though someone else in his position would be more than happy to revel in it. Jeim was the opposite. Still, he knew not to hurt other's feelings and accepted the attention, at least as much as he could handle. He approached one of his favorite people. Pablo. He was already in his seat and there was a vacant chair next to Pablo, but Jeim had other plans. As he passed the other guys he knew, Henry, Vane, Oscar, and a few others, he smiled and made faces at them. When he was in front of Pablo, he smirked and placed a gentle hand on Pablo's shoulder. He leaned down and spoke softly into his ear. "Well well if it isn't my boyfriend Pablo," Jeim said as he effortlessly slid into Pablo's lap. "How was your night?" [@Letter Bee]