[b][u]Nikolay Andreevich Ivushkin | The Imperial Fist | You Wot Mate?![/u][/b] "I can't believe that I'm seeing all of this.", Nikolay grumbled with a low voice as he watched... [i]many things[/i] unfold within the classroom. He had arrived in the room, reading a Warhammer 40K novel on his phone beginning from the moment since Henry bolted off with Oscar on his shoulder. They were a fun sight, those two; if Nikolay hadn't known any better, he would have thought that they were a couple. [i]Would be a crack ship if they truly were.[/i] Nikolay watched from the back of the class while obscuring his own face from potential prying eyes, looking at the fight that almost exploded right in there and now. It was those two, Pablo and Jiem, doing public displays of affection with no fear or care of what the other people all around them would think. Now these two were truly together indeed, and although Nikolay wasn't one that agreed with that kind of relationship as per his religious inclinations, he still found them rather entertaining to see, if anything. After all, he too was an affectionate one, though that was usually in private or when he is comfortable with the surroundings. This certainly wasn't the place, what with a Korean Siege Tower and another barrel man being in the room along with literally everyone else. [color=7ea7d8]"I... Err, suggest that you all settle down. It's it's about to be class. And Daehan."[/color], he said to the Siege Tower. [color=7ea7d8]"You can just them ask nicely without using your Noble Arm."[/color] He looked back at his book, his face bearing a neutral expression. [i]"Bozhe moi, if someone does something dumb just because of latent homophobia, I'm going to flip..."[/i]