Okay everyone, [@Darkmoon Angel][@BladeSS4][@FalloutJack], I am going to make another adjustment, which I think will improve the way battles go drastically. Honestly, I don't know why I hadn't been doing it this way the whole time... So, instead of your Power Level decreasing in correlational with your health decreasing, and instead of exhaustion effecting your health. Exhaustion now only effects your Power Level, not your Health, and this is the only way your Power Level decreases. This should make you keep a closer eye on your Power Levels and Health won't drop so quickly. This also means that your characters now have two ways to loose. If either your Health or Power Level hits zero, your character will be unable to fight. Health hitting zero equals being knocked out. Power Levels hitting zero equal passing out due to fatigue. Either way, the end result is somewhat the same. Edit: Power level hitting zero triumphs over health hitting zero. Meaning, if you use all your power but have health left, you will win the match if you lowered your opponent's health to zero. You will then promptly faint. If both fighter's hit zero health, whoever has a greater negative health looses. If both fighter's have health but hit zero Power, whoever has a greater negative Power Level (again) looses.