Looking around the room, two things became immediately apparent to Geoffrey. The first was that only the higher ranking guards had been told about this, as several were now talking with their superiors about the specifics. That meant that whatever was going on had been started some time ago, and they had been sitting on the tip until it could be confirmed. Only those in charge had been warned, because that meant it could be acted on with an organized effort if it needed to be, or dismissed without anyone finding out if it could be handled quietly. To the good Doctor, all of that meant it wasn't his contact who had been found out. Someone else was going to be making trouble that night, and Geoffrey had neither the time nor means to reach out to his contact to warn them. At least, not subtly. The second thing made clear to him was that he needed to take charge, before someone else did. "Alright everyone," he began, his voice sounding brittle yet loud. "You heard her. Assistants and juniors are to gather your things, and exit the facility immediately. Senior staff, you're with me. We'll be shutting down all ongoing operations, per emergency protocol. That means you'll need your badges with you, to override security locks and safety seals." Turning to the group of guards-several of who had arrived with him-he spoke to them directly. "Regardless of what Nawar says, I know for certain there are several shutdown protocols that will take more than an hour to properly perform." Holding up a hand when one of the captains started to interrupt, he continued without pause. "Among them my own experiments, which are currently agitating several toxic gases into a new, highly explosive solid fuel. Interrupting the process could flood several floors with toxic gases, and mine aren't even the most dangerous experiments going on currently." "Then, of course, there's the overhead costs that would be accrued if we just halted some of our experiments. All the product involved would have to be written off as waste, which could cost the company, oh... Dr. Russell," he said, raising his voice and calling over to the younger woman. Her red hair made her easy to point out among the crowd, and from what he'd heard of her department, she'd be useful for the example. "I've heard you've just started a new process with some recently purchased equipment. If I'm not mistaken, some of the chemicals involved become very corrosive once they start to break down and combine. If you just turned the machine off, how much do you think your department would lose from the cost of the chemicals and the cost of getting a new machine?" He waited for her to approach, knowing full well the stories of her speaking troubles. As she got closer, it seemed one of the guards was going to say something, but Geoffrey gave him a look that several other guards present knew better than to challenge. While he wasn't the most senior member of the staff present, Geoffrey was still the head of his own department, and had one of the highest security clearances in the company as a result. To say nothing of the rumors floating around the office about why he was classified in the security system as a '[i]Class A: Do Not Engage[/i].'