Riley shivered slightly before waking up, confused on why he was so cold. His eyes widened in terror as all he could see around him was pitch blackness. Riley opened his mouth to speak but was quickly interrupted by Virgil's echoey voice. "Hush my love. Don't be afraid for I am still here," Virgil's voice said softly. It felt like something brushed against Riley's face in a calm peaceful way. "You and I will be bound for an eternity," Virgil's voice said calmly, "Though unfortunately, you need to feel pain." Riley carefully reached out into the dark void as he tried to find Virgil. "Please don't be mad at me for what I am going to do," Virgil's voice said, holding back tears. Riley smiled gently and kept silent as the cold darkness practically engulfed him. He felt something grab tightly onto his outstretched arm and he held back cries of pain. "I'm sorry, I have to do this," Virgil's voice said as the grip on Riley's arm tightened. Riley started to feel warm blood drip from his arm and he winced slightly but didn't scream out. The grip on his arm loosened and a coldness rushed into his veins. The darkness vanished and Riley stared at Virgil who was sitting there with tear filled eyes. Riley carefully sat up and sighed, a pitch black smoke escaping his mouth with it. He hugged Virgil gently as Virgil broke down into tears.