Clad in the colors that they were, it was still unforgivable for any sort of individual to miss the fact that the Skitarii were moving through the hive streets at their untiring, unyielding pace. RT-A-221 picked up the crowd on the omnispex, before the burst transmission from the Foundry-Foreman was received by the Magos. Normally, mere humans would have to pause and hold a conversation, however, blessed augmentations allowed them to converse in the span of what it would take others to even inhale to prepare to respond in kind. [i]"Cordial Reply. Situation noted. Investigation will be processed during siege breaking."[/i] The Magos was clipped and precise, even for the unfathomably fast method of communication that the Mechanicus employed when communicating among each other. The hive was to be purged, and these unaugmented humanoids certainly would not be loyalists of any sort. RT-A-221 employed the omnispex again to sweep the crowd, picking out any high value targets, be it weapons of note, figures of apparent authority among the crowd, identifying markings or other general information, being logged and processed for gathering intelligence and further computing an ideal route forward. The mob of unaugmented hivers would be a hindrance to the ultimate objective regardless, so they would necessitate removal. Nominal firing patterns were uploaded and applied to the targeting of each Skitarii Alpha. Cognis Flamer would be utilized to prevent any from getting too close, Rotary Cannon would be applied to rapid numbers depletion, Volkite Caliver reserved for any potentially unusual targets. Galvanic Carbines would provide steady fire to prevent any gaps in the screen, and positions were taken up, all plotted out and ideal for the situation. Not a word or overt sound was made by the Skitarii Alphas, taking position and waiting patiently, unmovingly, for the kill command. The moment the Magos issued the command, the Ranger Alphas would open fire in perfect unison, Galvanic Carbines hammering in volley after volley in unison, Rotary Cannon roaring to life, under precise control of its augmented wielder, whilst the Cognis Flamer and Volkite Caliver remained ready, the former for any foolish enough to close into reach of the flames, the latter for anything noteworthy that necessitated specialized focus. RT-A-221 and the Magos, both wielding Phosphor weapons, also scanned for targets requiring illumination and priority targeting, should any such things exist.