[img]https://i.imgur.com/Zqb6PJb.png[/img] [h3]Eastern Yharnam, Hunter's clinic[/h3] “Aye, I'm alive,*” the newly awakened Hunter groaned from underneath the heavy form of the bestial creature he had just somehow managed to break the neck of. Not only did he speak with a pronounced dialect, which on its own could make him a little hard to understand, but also suffered from a speech impediment that muddled his words even more. Hearing himself speak immediately saddened him as he felt his hopes that becoming a Hunter would restore that old injury – a broken jaw that had healed badly – fall apart. He did not remember [I]how[/I] he had broken his jaw, and generally remembered very little about his life before tonight, but he did recall signing the contract and receiving the blood treatment. Pushing against the back of the beast on top of him with arms and legs, he and the other Hunter who had come to help him managed to roll the nerveless body off him. He let out a sigh of relief, standing back up and looking around at the devastation that had befallen the room. He automatically tried to angle himself so that his crooked jaw and the scar he knew he had on his right cheek would not be too visible to the others, self-conscious about how unflattering it made him look. “Thanks. I'm Torquil. Was that all of them?**” [I](What Torquil actually sounded like: *“Ahye, ah'm 'lahve.” **“Thanks. Ah'm Torquil. Wahsh tha' ahl ah thahm?”)[/I]