Not going to lie, I'm starting to get rather... nervous and frustrated. Anyway, I figure it would probably be fitting to throw in a CS for the new Hunter: [HIDER=Torquil][B]Name:[/B] Torquil [B]Race:[/B] Paleblood Hunter[B][color=red]?[/color][/B] [B]Faction:[/B] Unaffiliated [B]Age:[/B] Around thirty [B]Appearance:[/B] Short but sturdy, Torquil's skin is tough, calloused and deeply tanned from hard physical outdoor work, with clearly defined musculature through his skin all across his brawny frame. He has plain brown eyes surrounded by early wrinkles, thick eyebrows and disheveled hair on head, cheeks and chin around five centimeters (two inches) long, all of which is entirely black. His jaw is perpetually crooked, possibly from having been broken once, and tends to waggle from side to side when he speaks from the right jaw hinge not working right. He bears various small scars that seem to have likely been earned through labor rather than combat, including a long, jagged scar across his right cheek. [B]Height:[/B] 1.68 m (5'6”) [B]Weight:[/B] 95 kg (210 lb) [B]Clothes:[/B] Wears plain gray canvas trousers, a white short-sleeved linen shirt, and a pair of cheap brown leather shoes. [B]Hunter gear:[/B] An ordinary hatchet. [B]Biography:[/B] Torquil remembers very little of his past beyond flashes of dense forests, the interior of a small cluttered cottage, and a sense of measured indifference and loneliness. This also means that Torquil does not particularly care about his past, however, and is quite content to embrace his new role in life without complaint. He remembers signing his contract with the Healing Church and receiving the blood treatment, however, and knew from his first waking moment that he had agreed to become a Hunter, though he does not recall why he made this decision. Shrugging off such concerns, Torquil has simply accepted that he is now a Hunter and has adopted the task of slaughtering beasts as his new purpose in life.[/HIDER]