Gilgan just watched the crew's antics with apathetic disinterest. [b]"Oi. If you're going to puke in my bar, at least do it outside."[/b] He signs as he cleans up the mess. Afterwards he looks to Nanaya. [b]"Rum? Yeah I have a few bottles. A good brand will cost you five gold. We have the Forgeheart, a dwarven favorite. Doubles as a firebomb and burns like a fireball. We also have a Blackrose Rum, popular among tieflings and pirates. Named after Kallindrissa Blackrose, a legendary pirate and drunkard. If you want something real magic though, for fifty gold we have Siegbrau. A magic rum from an ancient knight strong enough that even the undead can taste it. Said to have healing properties and helps keep you warm."[/b] Gilgan showed Nanaya a menu as he looked towards Lei. [b]"Yeah I have some old laundry before she left."[/b] Gilgan leaves for a short few moments before coming back with a bundle of Sandwich's old clothing. A shirt, pair of pants, and two white socks. [b]"This is all that was left in her hamper. I meant to wash it a few days ago but that's when I found the drow and completely forgot about it. Oh right, if you need a place to stay, I don't mind letting one of you staying in the guest room upstairs. It's not much though. Just a bed and a window. And only if you're making progress finding my daughter."[/b] Gilgan said before some customers arrived, forcing Gilgan to focus on his actual job. The Arizona ranger would return sometime later and rely the information he received. It would be then that Gilgan would try and call him aside to explain something. [b]"Take the money or don't, I know you're looking for information about your mark. But let me explain to you that if you plan on operating in this town frequently, you're going to have to hide your cards a bit better. You could ask anyone in this town for information and they'll feed you whatever cal they need to to make a quick buck off your kit. The man you're looking for is well aware that there are people after him, and he's got goons on the street to watch out for him. If you go off on some zealous crusade don't be surprised if you're get jumped and tricked at every corner. What I'm saying is, going forward you might wanna be more mercenary. If bad folks realize what you're after they're not going to cower, they're going to lure you into a trap."[/b] Gilgan sighs quietly as he pours himself a drink. [b]"That's probably how those drow bastards got my daughter too. Off wanting to fight a good fight, and them bastards certainly lead her to something dangerous."[/b]