As the meeting ensued, Penelope was left to play catch up while the others talked about upcoming battle plans. It wasn’t surprising since Gavin hadn’t been able to fully catch her up the night before. What did shock her was when the barons decided on when the next attack would be launched. From what she knew, it hadn’t been long since the last one so when Mia and the others agreed on launching into another battle in three days, she was caught off guard. The knight shifted uneasily, glancing around at the other lieutenants that were seated near her. Layth ’s expression was hard to read aside from the determination that lined it. Tomas and Gavin, however, looked less than thrilled but refused to say anything against the matter. It also didn’t give her a lot of time to push the barons to act defensively rather than offensively. Penelope wanted to convince them sooner rather than later but she had been hoping to at least settle in a bit more before she purposed her plan. Unfortunately it seemed she wouldn’t get the luxury to prepare a bit more. “So it’s settled?” Mia asked. “Actually,” Penelope spoke up with a small frown. “there’s a plan I’d like to propose before the battle plans go through.” “And what could you possibly have to say?” Edward asked narrowing his gaze on her. “You just returned to the battle front.” “I’m aware.” Penelope muttered before sitting up straighter. “But I know more about the king’s plans for this war. As Mia informed you earlier, the viceroy is currently traveling to Younis to speak with their king about finding a peaceful end to this war.” While the barons didn’t flinch at her words, Layth visibly clenched his jaw, clearly still bother by the information. Penelope continued after her words were met with a brief silence from Edward and the other barons. “Therefore, we should be aligning our plans to match with the king’s. Since he is opting to try and reach a peaceful solution, our actions on the battlefield now should reflect that.” Edward narrowed his eyes at her with unrestrained suspicion. “Exactly what are you suggesting, lieutenant?” he questioned with an edge to his voice. It seemed he already had the answer to his own question. “I’m suggesting we act only defensively when it comes to battles.” Penelope stated with a shrug. After facing the king and rallying so many high ranking nobles behind her, she found that Edward’s harsh looks had even less effect on her than before. “We shouldn’t be striking Younis while our kingdom is trying to negotiate peace.” “You’re mad.” Edward snorted. “Peace is not guaranteed! We’re still at war here. Acting defensively would just make us weak.” Mia glanced at Edward and pursed her lips together before turning her gaze back onto Penelope. “I understand where you are coming from Penelope, but I worry about how that will effect our supplies as well as our people. Acting only defensively means that we are sacrificing potential wins over Younis. I’m not sure this is the best route for us to take even if it does align with the king’s plans.” the baroness said with a conflicted tone. Around her it seem that overall, the idea wasn’t well received. Bennett looked at her skeptically, Layth had his arms crossed with a scowl on his face, and even Tomas shifted uneasily in his seat. The only form of support Penelope was able to find as she glanced around the tent was Gavin, who met her gaze with a small nod of approval. Penelope let out a small sigh. It also didn’t help that she wasn’t overly prepared but the knight was still determined to convince them. “I know you’re hesitant but in the long run this is what is best for us.” Penelope pushed on. “If we don’t start battles that means we can conserve both people and supplies. It’ll be easier to be defensive than you may think, even if we are sacrificing potential victories in order to do so.” The female knight shifted her gaze between the barons before resting it upon her disgruntled uncle. “It won’t weaken us, nor will we come off as weak so long as we are able to continuously push back their advances.” “It’s still absurd!” Layth finally snapped. “The man sent by the king is a criminal that belongs in the gallows. This war stands no chance of ending peacefully.” “Exactly.” Edward grunted. “You may have convinced the king but that lowly cur is far from a proper viceroy.” Penelope clenched her teeth at the harsh words of her family members. Of course, they still only saw Crow as a criminal and nothing more. That was made very apparent by her brother but she had been hoping the favor showed to him by the king would keep her uncle from using such an argument against her. She started to open her mouth to defend the new viceroy when Mia jumped back into the conversation with a confused gaze that flickered between Layth and Edward. “I’m surprised you two are talking so hostilely about the new viceroy. I thought you would have started to accept him at the very least considering the situation.” Mia mused. Edward’s irritation dimmed slightly as he raised an eyebrow at the baroness. “What? What situation?” Mia slowly slid her gaze between Edward and Penelope before settling on Edward once again. The look made Penelope tense with realization at what the baroness was referring to. For a brief moment, the female lieutenant could almost swear that her baroness’ lip curled slightly into a smirk. “Why Edward, I’m talking about the fact that Penelope is being courted by the new viceroy.” the baroness stated with simplicity as she looked at the other baron. It was another piece of information that Penelope had been hoping to slowly release to Edward and Layth within her time at the warfront. She knew there was no way to make them fully pleased about the situation but she had been hoping to at least establish that Crow was more than the criminal they were so quick to label him as. Of course, now there would be no chance to do that. She braced herself for their responses. While she may have been hoping to make break the news a little easier, she wasn’t about to deny or feel guilt over the courtship. “Excuse me?” Edward growled, slowly growing flustered over the new information. “It’s true.” Penelope said evenly. “I was going to tell you at a better time but the viceroy, Collin, is courting me for marriage.” “What the hell?!” Layth snapped. “There’s no way father would approve this! You’re a disgrace.” Penelope rolled her eyes. “I assure you, we got his blessing before the courtship began.” “Of course he did.” Edward muttered under his breath. Layth clenched his jaw, seeming ready to say more when some cleared their throat. Penelope flickered her gaze over to the source of the noise, her eyes landing upon Tomas who was sitting rather rigidly. The older lieutenant gave a sheepish smile and glanced at everyone aside from the squabbling Vermillions. “Sorry to interrupt but this seems like a private matter. Perhaps the rest of us should step out and we can reconvene tomorrow for a decision about battle plans?” he suggested. “Yes, that sounds like a good idea.” Mia agreed with a firm nod. The baroness rose to her feet and looked over at the Vermillions. “We’ll leave the tent to you then.” “Thank you.” Edward muttered ambigiously. A tense silence fell over the three as they waited for the others to exit the tent. Penelope let out a breath and tried to ignore the harsh glare that Layth was giving her. Instead, she glanced away to see watch Bennett and Gavin exit, the latter giving her a faint, halfhearted smile. Now alone with her two family members, she turned look over at Edward as she readied to defend herself. “You’re a damn traitor.” Layth growled immediately. Penelope shot a glare at her brother. “I am not. I’ve been nothing but loyal to this battalion.” “You worked with a criminal and now you’re going to marry him! You’re far from a loyal knight when you’re clearly entangled with the enemy.” Layth retorted. “You should have your titled stripped from you before you bring any more dishonor to this fa—“ “Layth, enough.” Edward finally spoke up again with a stern tone. Penelope blinked in unbridled surprised as her uncle cut her brother off before her could finishing chiding her. Layth even seemed confused but the male knight reluctantly closed his mouth and looked to his baron. Unsure what to expect, Penelope did the same, readying to defend herself and Crow against whatever Edward or Layth had to say. Their words and threats carried no weight to her anymore now that Crow was a noble alongside her. “Penelope,” Edward began with a breath. “I wish you would have informed me about this development sooner. I apologize for the harsh words earlier, I was still bitter over the past but clearly we need to move on from that and accept our new viceroy just as the king has. With that said, congratulations on your courtship.” She watched in momentary shock as her uncle smiled at her. Of all the reactions she predicted to see from him, this was not one of them. Besides her, Layth looked even more dumbstruck by the words that had left Edward’s lips. Her brother’s eyes were wide and his mouth slightly agape as he fumbled for words to respond to this unexpected development. While Layth was flabbergasted, Penelope broke from her shock as she noticed the hint of slyness that laid in her uncle’s smile. He was playing at some angle. “Uncle, you can’t be serious… This man is no more than a cleaned up criminal. He’s no viceroy!” Layth stated with disbelief. “Layth, the king has assigned him the very high rank of viceroy. Do you really believe the king would be so foolish as to do so without good reason?” Edward pointed out. “I’m certainly starting to…” Layth grunted. “A horrible mistake was made by someone.” Edward sent a sharp glare at his lieutenant. “Foolish talk like that will only hurt our battalion and our family… It would serve you well to take a page out of your sister’s book and trust our king.” [i]Ah, that’s why he’s so accepting of this development…[/i]Penelope thought as she watched the exchanged between her brother and uncle. Edward must have calculated the social benefits to having a family member married to the viceroy. It would certainly explain why he was taking her side over Layth’s. [i]Not that he’ll ever see any benefits from me..[/i]she added dryly. Whether he truly believed she was only courting Crow for political gain or not, the knight had no intention of letting her uncle of all people try to use her or Crow for a power grab. Turning back to Penelope, Edward gave a supportive nod to her. “I believe there’s no need to discuss this further.” he spoke, as he snuck a glance of warning towards Layth. While Edward was quick to compromise his ideals in favor of using this development to his advantage, his nephew wasn’t. Layth tightened his jaw in further frustration at the look his uncle sent him before shooting a glare at Penelope. Their uncle didn’t bother to reprimand him again though and continued on with a pleased tone of voice. “As I said before, congratulations on your courtship. You’re both free to leave now.” Penelope eyed him a moment before dipping her head. “Thank you.” she mumbled. Though she might have figured out his motives, it was still strange to have her uncle treating her in a relatively positive manner. After years of him viewing her poorly, the change was sudden and sharp no matter what the reason behind it. It made her all the more eager to leave his presence. The female knight rose to her feet and stepped out of the tent, a motion behind her told her that Layth had done the same. Stepping out of the tent, she walked on with the intent to find one of her friends before supper but didn’t get all too far when someone suddenly grabbed her arm, pulling her to an unexpected stop. Penelope stumbled and whirled her head around to face Layth, who’s face contorted with anger. “Listen, I don’t care what uncle or father think about this courtship. They’re wrong about this and I won’t stand to watch you drag our family name through the mud.” Layth growled lowly before she had a chance to speak. Yanking her arm out of his grip, Penelope rolled her eyes at his words. “And how are you going to do that, Layth?” she asked dryly. “You can’t go to uncle nor father. The man I’m courting outranks you and to top it off, I hold the same rank you do. You don’t have the power.” Layth hesitated for a brief moment before shaking his head. “I don’t care! Do you not remember what that bastard did? He almost killed me and he stabbed you in the shoulder or did you forget about him being the enemy when you two got entangled?” “I didn’t forget. But that situation wouldn’t have occurred if you hadn’t almost killed a child.” Penelope snapped back. She was already frustrated with how Layth reacted to the news but him bringing up the past to try to prove Crow was an enemy only sparked the flame further. “Besides that, I think you almost beating him to death makes you two even. Or can you not let that go because he was going to beat you?” “Cur.” Layth spat first instead of answering her. “That has nothing to do with it. The point is he is the enemy and one way or another, you and the rest of the kingdom are going to learn that. So I suggest you learn it first.” Penelope narrowed her eyes at his tone of warning. “Unlikely.” she stated with a hint of coldness to her voice. Before Layth could say anymore, the knight turned away from him and stepped fast to leave her agitated brother behind.