3 years on RPGO and it only feels like yesterday since I first made that first foray into the world of online roleplaying. In that time, I’ve made friends, lost friends, said goodbye to old homes, entered new ones, moved across the ocean and just [i]living[/i] my life through the moment. If I saw myself now from where I was three years ago, my reaction would most likely be one of two things. Mortified that I’m still giving my time and energy to this hobby or impressed that I haven’t given up so far. I’d like to take a moment to recognise some specific posters on this forum. [@Shiva] Your roleplays are the metaphorical equivalent of a home cooked meal. Satisfying, warm and filling. They might not be the most complex or the most unique concepts but they come from a place of comfort. I have [@Rapid Reader] to thank for initially introducing me to you. Trust me, you’re going to go places. [@Opposition] Without a doubt, the GM of the best cyberpunk RP on the Guild without a doubt. I was going to make a congratulatory post when Futility reaches 50 posts but I was never one for organisation. Your verve and drive towards pushing the envelope of roleplaying as well as creating interesting settings never ceases to amaze. I’d also like to thank you for putting up with my autophile tendencies. [@Rapid Reader] We’ve said these things to each other in PMs and Private chats more times than I can count. You’re here when I need ideas to bounce off you. You’re there to tell me whether I’m doing something right or whether I’m doing something wrong. You’re there to laugh at me at some stupid dumb meme I dig up from the bowels of the internet. You’re there whenever I need support or help. You’re chill. You’re swell and you’re just a plain awesome person to know. You’re not only a great writer (We can be all humble or self depreciating as we want but personally, I think your writing is a dozen times better than mine. That’s the truth). You are a great friend. Well, long distance friend since I live tens of thousands of miles away from you across the Pacific. Even if we by some chance move on from this site in the years to come and towards paths that offer less time to pursue this hobby..... It’s the memory that counts. So yeah, here’s to another year of roleplaying.