The rest of the folks agreed to help out, though Ellen got the impression that not everyone was quite as eager as she was to get out and do something. The runner kid, Abi, actually ran off for a while and then came back to announce that she would join. The guy in charge, Simon, showed them the map of a desert, explaining that they would be in some guy named Billy’s van, going to meet other people with supplies including insulin. Simon recommended some of them watch and others load, then they would return when they were done. Ellen wasn’t a leader, so she looked around the room, waiting for someone to step up and take control of this conversation. Her gaze drifted quickly over Abi, knowing the kid wasn’t going to be of much use for her brain. She could run like hell, though, and as far as Ellen could tell, that wasn’t even part of her magic use. One woman didn’t seem very talkative. The girl obsessed with makeup and stretching had seemed hesitant about being involved at all. Ellen didn’t like the idea of assuming the boys would be more capable of taking a leadership role because of their gender, but rock-man looked like he might have been one of the older ones in their group. The other guy seemed eager, but something about his gaze didn't scream confidence. "Seriously, none of you have questions?" Ellen asked with a bit of exasperation. Perhaps she hadn't given them enough time. Waiting wasn't her forte. In any case, she turned to Simon and addressed him first. "You've arranged for other supply pick ups. When they've encountered FOE, what has been their method of attack? Are we looking out for them to drop bombs over the desert? Are they likely to come barreling in with trucks and heavy weaponry? And if we get the supplies and run, can we open a way back that won't allow them to follow us through or do we need to eliminate any threat rather than just get away?" Ellen had lots of questions. She looked down at the map, wondering if they would be first to arrive at the spot, and have time to spread out and plant a few people around, or if the bootleggers were expected to already be at the rendezvous. "You asked for us specifically as a group so you know what all of us can do." She paused, turning to the group for a moment Adam aside, "We should probably do a quick chat on the way of what we can do that will be useful in this. And then use that info to divy up who should load and who should watch." For her own usefulness she could probably use her seeing double to plant a set of eyes far away without having to actually leave the group with her body. Abi was fast enough to likely take watch from another vantage point and then just high tail it if she needed to. But if they had super hearing, or astral projection or something, they could probably be a lot more useful than Ellen as lookout. She didn't mind just being muscle, if that was what she was best for. Turning back to Simon, Ellen finished her question, her thoughts having derailed a bit trying to once again figure out everyone's magic. "Who should take the lead with making decisions out there?" Ellen asked. They needed someone in charge. Last time no one told Ellen specifically to stay in the car, she went a big rogue and pulled some dangerous (but effective) stunts.