[hr][center] [img]https://i.imgur.com/y8f0UJw.png[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/H9epPjR.png[/img] [b][code]The Gay Grove.[/code][/b][/center][hr] A scream escaped Claudette's lips as Vashti transformed into a thing and then it charged her. And then so many regrets went through her head. Why didn't she tell Vashti not to play? Why didn't she come up with a different game for the Coven to play? Why was she so stupid? Claudette threw a veil of darkness around herself out of instinct but she doubted that it would be able to do much. However, in the blink of an eye, she was skidding across the ground as things blindsided her. It felt like a fucking car hit her but less painful (maybe a moped?) as she was covered in mud, grass, and dirt. It took Claudette a second to get her bearings... well, she was still confused as to what's going on and that was probably not going to change. What didn't help was that her vision was spinning and all she could see was the cloudy skies and her, unfortunately, lost her glasses during the tussle. So, unfortunately, that didn't help as Claudette... realized that she was on top of somebody, and not in a fun way. After that revelation, Claudette rolled off of that person and realized that it was Grace. "... Thank you," Claudette quietly thanked her as she focused on the Leviathan. Fortunately, they were brought a fair bit of distance from the hulking Leviathan. And it wasn't very fast, so maybe they could figure [i]something[/i] out to stop it[i]- her. Vashti's in there.[/i] Claudette thought to herself as she didn't want to cut and run, and then Vashti goes on a rampage and the DENS brings the hammer down on them. God forbids that happens. However, Grace had another idea as she merely raised a hand into the air and Claudette was staring at her as the Leviathan came charging. Right now Claudette was in pain but she was wondering if Grace had a plan here because the Leviathan was charging them. "Um, Grace?" Claudette asked as she took a step back. The Leviathan was still rushing them. "You have an idea right, [i]Mademoiselle?[/i]" Getting closer... "[i]Right?[/i]" However, that reptilian monster got close and Grace enacted her plan - a wall of lightning came down from the sky and the Leviathan was electrocuted in a near-cartoonish display. The beast was convulsing as the electricity ran its course through her body. Claudette sighed in relief as the Leviathan stopped convulsing and fell to the ground, she was hoping that this was the end of that. But, with the Coven nothing's easy. [quote=Isla][color=f26522]“get over to me and I can teleport us away from here!”[/color][/quote] Honestly, Claudette had no clue who this girl was, and right now she didn't care. Long as she was helping them right now that was all that mattered. Claudette immediately bolted away from the safety of Grace while the Leviathan was distracted. [hr][center] [img]https://i.imgur.com/nn5VWsV.png[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/XRra6ku.png[/img] [b][code]The Gay Grove.[/code][/b][/center][hr] "Claud!" Madison shouted as she almost dive bombed Claudette to get her out of the way but fortunately Grace was much faster than her. She tackled Claudette in what Madison knew [i]had[/i] to hurt a little bit. Fortunately, the two got up safe and sound as Madison figured that she should probably go hold off the Leviathan for a bit while everyone gets away... but she [i]couldn't move[/i]. As much as she tried to divebomb the Leviathan, she found herself in a bit of stasis. Madison tried to move against the shell of bones that became her prison, she got to budge but not exactly move. Then the three snake-like heads coiled off of her back as they floated their way around to look at her face to face. Madison couldn't understand the Jaws right now. "This is a sign, Madison Brown," The left head started. "You need our true power," The center head continued. "You [i]need[/i] to break the seal," The rightmost head finished. "What the fuck Jaws?" Madison shouted, "Let me go! I got to help them." "You must eliminate the beast," "[i]We[/i] must eliminate the beast," "This thing... Vashti... may be too much for us," "At least while sealed," Madison sneered. "... I'll think about it if you fuckin' let me go!" The last thing that Madison wanted to do was be held hostage by an Apparition... and stopping her like this to talk about it when her friends were being threatened was not helpful. "Very well." The Jaws allowed her to move again and the first thing that Madison saw was the lightning crash of the Leviathan being turned into fried chicken. It was so fucking bright and powerful that Madison had to cover her eyes. At the moment her ears were ringing from the thunderclap but the second the flash faded she looked down to see the Leviathan stunned by the massive lightning attack. However, the first thing that Madison did was charge into the fray without a second thought and grabbed onto the Leviathan's tail. "Everyone get out of here!" Madison shouted as she pulled on it. [hr][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/1tJdWt7.png[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/dIfRnRE.png[/img] [b][code]The Gay Grove.[/code][/b][/center][hr] Thank God that tiny cunt got off of Emily, that was the only thing going through her head as she crawled up to her feet. Emily pretty much ignored Maya and everything that was going on as she dusted herself off of grass and dirt. Part of her wanted to cut her hand off, or at least cleanse it in fire because she touched that [i]slut's[/i] dirty tit. Emily leered towards her annoying ass... [quote=Maya][color=FireBrick]“If anyone’s the pervert, it’s you! I’ve never felt so violated in my life!”[/color][/quote] "Fuck you, [i]slut![/i]" Emily shouted... which was accentuated by the lightning crashing in the distance and the rain starting. [i]Maybe that's my new abstraction.[/i] Emily thought to herself. "Like somebody wants to touch your dirty ass, bitch! You smell like and died up fish [i][b]cum![/b][/i]" Yeah, got her.