[Center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200208/11ab2a550904b962041573fbfc392a1d.png[/img] [Color=mediumpurple]Time:[/color] Night [Color=mediumpurple]Location:[/color] Roshmi Grand Hall [Color=mediumpurple]Interaction:[/color] [@Eviledd1984] O'Ner and [@13org] Myra [/center] [Center][img]https://i.imgur.com/O6vqgQo.png[/img][/center] Darius stood quietly as more and more people echoed their desires for a revolution. He knew making such a bold declaration would stir up the crowd, but not to this magnitude. He also knew Aklenroth was not a benevolent ruler. Hell, he could even admit the dude was far from the type of king this world needed, but he wondered if things would spiral out of control due to his actions just now. It definitely was not something he was aiming for. He managed to witness Artemis depart from the ball, but not without delivering a clean punch to a guard who attempted to keep her from leaving. He went to go see what was going on, but a familiar voice stopped him. When O'ner and Myra approached him, he gave them an uneasy smile. He had a lot of mixed feelings at the moment and was not sure if he had made the right move. Aklenroth could have him and his friends killed. And while on the topic of friends, where was Artemis running off too. It almost seemed like too much was going on at once. [Color=mediumpurple]"I'm fine, but Artemis just… she just left without a word and it looked like she got into a fight wi-"[/color] Darius stopped mid-sentence as he listened to a red-haired woman stand up on a table while making a declaration and revealing herself as a human. [Color=mediumpurple]"Another?"[/color] Her appearance filled him with hope, but her words quickly snatched that same hope away. She did not need to say much for him to figure out how she would react to his proposal on leaving Avalia. He frowned for only a moment before realizing he needed to just accept her choice. She was surely one of the people he would need to look for once the ball concluded. Then came the second woman who stood on a different table and made a similar declaration against Aklenroth. He noted her as well as someone he'd need to look for. Darius was aware tension was building by the second, and it was partly his fault. But it was not supposed to turn out like this. People weren't supposed to be on tables or revealing their humanity to all of the guests in the ballroom. And due to this growing tension, he now wondered if the ball would become unsafe before immediately looking to Myra, the one who had been by his side from the start. [Color=mediumpurple]"We'll definitely be fine."[/color] Darius assured her with a stern expression. He couldn't let her see his doubt. Anything could happen at this point. And so he would remain observant and quiet amongst the guests for the time being.