[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/D8A3ruj.png?1[/img][/center] [indent][indent][indent][hr] [color=385BB2]“You mean when the sick started killing us.”[/color] Katie uttered dryly, in a tone affected by the lack of proper sleep. Katie considered the thought, at least, it seemed like the self-decided leader was making plans. Plans were good. Though, she was obviously unintentionally (or intentionally?) in a sort of mood. The diner was safe-[i]ish[/i] and that was good enough for her even if she knew deep down that she would have to leave sooner or later. What would happen if she stayed behind? How long could she last with what food was left over? The milk was going to go bad in a week. Food was all perishable, even if it was canned and dried. Plus, it's not like she had anything to defend herself with safely should the sick or not-sick break in. [i]Flip.[/i] Still, Tommy called the safe zone a death trap. Which is why he said he was going in a different direction. He had helped. Maybe she should’ve went with him. She hoped he was okay. ‘The omelets would be done in a few minutes.’ She thought. [/indent][/indent][/indent]