[hr][hr][center][img]https://images-ext-2.discordapp.net/external/I6mf9Ct4crxUqfPuGcRdA3g-s-RA--eXx7HnRAi9MIA/https/i.imgur.com/ZF1PQyX.png[/img][hr][hr][b][color=darkgray]Location:[/color][/b] Galley [b][color=darkgray]Skills:[/color][/b][hr][/center] Cal let out an involuntary huff of morbidly amused disbelief as Luke proclaimed that they weren't going anywhere. It was only matter of time before they joined up with the others, and she'd be alone again. Again? The strange word latched itself onto the end of her thought like some kind of vocab vagabond jumping into the last railway car of her train of thought, and she wasn't sure why. Maybe it was just referring to the isolation to which she'd woken up to. Or maybe it was something more. Either way, it wasn't the most important thing she had to deal with. Her eyebrows popped up in surprise as the people around her jumped into action, taking her uncertain suggestion to be the beginning of a plan. It felt a bit weird to Cal, having people go along with something she'd said without needing to push or guide them to her way of thinking. But it was a good weird. She jumped a bit when Kyle pushed the warm beverage into her hand, still on edge from the memory that seemed to render her mind raw and sensitive. [color=darkgray]"Uh, thanks mate...she sounds like a lovely woman,"[/color] Cal replied. There was a very subtle undertone of bitterness in her voice that seemed to go unnoticed by her as she took a long sip from the cup. Once the warm liquid was down, she let out a deep sigh as she tried to relax. To some degree it worked. When she spoke, her voice had less of a tremor to it. [color=darkgray]"Alright, unless there's anything else we need, I say we put this bad boy together. It'd be embarrassing if the others came back with the secrets of the universe in their grasp and all we had was the power of friendship and a fuckin' sandwich."[/color] [hider=Maybe Roll Request?] Cal will be down to help the others put the thing together. If it's a roll, her improvisation might help with the makeshift crafting. [/hider]