[center][color=82ca9d] Uaithne Cináed Fearghal Orvar [/color][/center] [hr] [i]Pockets filled, Uaithne took a deep breath to help the last of the anger evaporate into the cool night air. He left the porch, and stopped just long enough for a plate of food to top him off before continuing to the campfire. He almost got away clean... almost avoided Aunt Brigid and mother. [/i] [color=ed1c24]"Uaithne Cináed Fearghal Orvar, what ever is the matter with you?" [/color] [i]Stopping in his tracks, he sighed turning slightly to get it over with. Wasn't any point in trying to run away, Aunt Brigid would burn the whole forest just to find him, and then he'd still have to answer her incessant queries... He shrugged a shoulder and stared into the darkness, to ashamed to meet her gaze.[/i] [Color=82ca9d]"I... not only failed to be even remotely useful but also snapped at Sister Deborah. She's probably going to give me an ear full later. Now... All I can hear is the father I don't have. I don't think I will be able to sleep tonight."[/color] [i]Uaithne was surprised to be enveloped by both mother and Aunt Brigid. He couldn't remember the last time mother had hugged him. Probably not since dad had died. He was too surprised to hide the tears that suddenly spilled down his cheeks. He barely heard mother whispering just how much like his father he was, and how proud both were of him. With a final squeeze, they stepped back. aunt Brigid making sure he didn't drop his plate, while mother dried his face. He should feel embarrassed... But it was more emotion than he could remember her ever expressing. She'd only barely survived herself, the day dad died... And much of her emotions were simply gone. But tonight... She now, she was Mom. And it filled him with wonder and joy. He collected himself, and thanked them both. And asked Aunt Brigid to tell Sister Deborah he hadn't meant what he'd said if she happened to see her. Then he went for a walk. He ate as he went, slowly circling the house and campsite. He realized that every family was now a part of his family... They were all a coven now. That and the walk helped him get back to his usual self and he dumped his now empty plate in a trashcan as Sister Lark began corralling the new witches out towards the campsite. He made sure the latrine was clearly marked. And then set a small kettle of water on the fire to boil. He'd brought tea, and had enough for everyone if they wanted a cup before bed. He nodded to Rowan as she declared that she was fetching more firewood. There was plenty, but maybe she wanted a walk after the party. And he was always looking for more tea, so anything she found would be useful. Kate asked about ghost stories, as Dakota tried to console Calypso. Uaithne wouldn't mind a few scary tales, but he didn't really have any stories to share himself. So he simply gestured for Kate to tell the first story, as the water came to a boil and he began pouring water into a cup for himself and anyone else who wanted one. He was drinking a honey camomile himself, but he had other flavors and local herbs for the campers to pick from. Some of the selections were mildly stimulating in various ways, and he would offer a soft warning if one such stimulant was selected. Nothing available would cause discomfort or debilitate the consumer. Aside from the warning, Uaithne sat in silence tending the fire and keeping hot water in the kettle as needed.[/i] [hr] [center][color=82ca9d][b]Interacts with[/b]:[/color] Kate; Rowan [/center] [center][color=82ca9d][b]Mentions[/b]:[/color] Anyone that wants a cup of hot tea. [/center]