[hr] [center][i]As the afternoon started to darken and the sun waned, the work of the day would die down with it. Shiroiwa no Mura stood as a village that had been kept standing for generations due to the care taking of the Lunari Priests.[/i][/center] [hr] Villagers of Shiroiwa started to arrive back from the outer fields, mindful of those that lurked and waited at the bounds of any protection; creeping in as the shadow did. The village, a ill befitting classification given its size but a hold over from old time, bustled as people prepared for the next moon. Food would be stocked and arms sharpened if worst came to worst. Donations would be made to the shrine of the local Lunari Priests hoping to invoke an even stronger blessing and as a gratitude to their service. Finally, there would of course be those celebrating until the night came. Likely as a holdover tradition from before the local shrine was solidified with protection promised, believing good spirits would be welcomed in. In the meanwhile rhythmic chants of Hikari would be heard in Shiroiwa's center plaza. Dressed in a fine white robe, red highlighted the edges and threading. Small symbolic designs were stitched in with red and gold threading. An abstraction of both the Priest receiving their gifts from the moon itself and its defense against the red moon below. A cycle both easily represented and defining. Seeming within his own trance he'd make sweeping motions about, almost like an elaborate dance. Long ribbons of red flowed about his shoulders and arms in the wnd as he moved. A symbolic ring had been made around him of blessed salts and rice wine. More old tradition that was kept up into current times. Kept in this state for hours now, a small crowd had gathered as their preparations had finished. [center][i][quote][indent][color=FFFFE0]Ecce, preces nostras, et in testimonium illis. Benedicat nobis, ut lux lucet clara iuxta rubrum luna. Repellunt, daemones, ut resistere splendore et adolebit quibus culmus nocte. Devotionem huius servus definit generationes contra premit. Praemium nobis omnibus, ut nos posset permanere in tuo servitio. Largior semper purus, ut album et meridiem, super populum meum, ut eorum praesentia ut regnavit impia. Protege nos ab susurrat de nocte, ut nos, ut audiam mollis hum. Ostende eis et gratia tua, ut possent reverti in fide. Sit hoc castellum, quod scire tua virtus et resurgere, ut postero mane.[/color][/indent][/quote][/i][/center] With one final movement, Hikari came to a stop in the center, collapsing to his knees as the prayer seemed to have finally taken its toll. One of the first times he'd be given chance to perform these duties solely on his own. Beads of sweat dripped from his forehead as he started sucking in deeper breathes. He'd do his best to recompose himself and sit up properly, offering a gracious smile to those gathered. The group would offer a collective bow in appreciation, offering out a rehearsed and practiced thanks before starting to disperse. Several came up to give more 'private' forms of appreciation. Either through kind words or containing slips. Offerings of thanks or bribes to the future head priest hoping to draw their favor were both easily options. Ritual completed and stragglers having moved on it finally came that Hikari was alone once more. Picking himself up properly, he'd stow the gifts inside the robe, watching his step to not disturb the ring before departing towards the main entrance. A curiosity to watch for any stragglers and an opportune moment to get some fresh air. Moving through the village he'd plaster a warm smile on his face as he'd return bows to the residents as they were offered out. Eventually, he'd make it past to the gate of sorts. Sunset started to drape over the landscape as purple and orange hues started to color the sky. Certainly soon it would fall completely and the moon would make its way skyward once more. For now at least, he had some time to himself to appreciate the view.