[hr][center][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjcyLjAwYjdlMC5UR2xzYVdVZ1JHbHZibTVsLjAA/velocity-demo.regular.png[/img][/center] [hr][indent] Lilie's hands flew to her ears as she squeezed her eyes shut. Grinding [i]again[/i]! She was going to go deaf at this rate! As she felt the platform move she let out a gasp, opening her eyes as she realized their surroundings were changing. Why was this place so focused on trying to drown them?! Or crush them, judging by the ceiling suddenly starting to crack. Surprisingly, she wasn't nearly as panicked as she should be--before she was trapped and powerless, but now she was free and ready to rumble. Okay, since the cat hadn't transformed, it was safe to assume that was what they needed, so that was good. Testing her control with a flick of her wrist, she turned back towards Ben, finding him just standing there. Did he not see what was going on? She tugged at his arm, letting out a small squeak of surprise as the platform shifted. She opened her mouth to talk to him but was surprised when he spoke. Okay, if he agreed that they needed to go, then why wasn't he moving? Wait, he did mention that he heard a woman sobbing before, was it someone he knew? Despite her hesitance--she wasn't really keen on seeing another loved one dead or dying if she was being honest--she stole a glance at what had Ben's attention. A woman was chained to the pillar, and she felt a pang of guilt seeing how panicked and beaten she looked. She didn't know who she was, but Ben looked like he had just seen a ghost. Whoever it was, she was clearly important enough to actually stop Ben; until this point he was always so stiff and proper that part of her was convinced he was more of a robot than anything, and seeing him actually [i]shaken[/i] was...weird. But now wasn't the time to ask, especially since she was a fan of not drowning. Putting her arm around Ben's waist and making sure he wouldn't drop the opal cat, she eyed the little entrance they had crawled through, and groaned. This was probably gonna hurt. [color=00BFFF]"Hang on, we're leaving,"[/color] She told him (even though she was pretty sure he wasn't paying attention) as she made the water surround them, and once she was sure she had enough, she pushed them out, hugging Ben tightly as they turned and shot through it. Of course, like the first time she had launched herself, she greatly underestimated her heightened ability. They went [i]fast[/i], too fast, and it was only by a panicked push upwards that they didn't crash into the bottom of the pool. That push, however, sent them flying, and she had to release Ben to make sure they didn't crash into the ground. By some miracle, they landed in one piece, although she did have to cough up some water. [color=00BFFF]"We're alive!"[/color] She cheered, throwing her arms up. After a few seconds, the adrenaline seemed to fade, and she realized that she was now soaked. Good thing she had taken off her boots, she probably would've ruined the material. She released her bun and wringed out her ponytail, looking over at Ben. [color=00BFFF]"Are you okay?"[/color] She asked Ben. [/indent][hr] [sub][right]Taking on the challenge with [@Bert Macklin].[/right][/sub]