Vuthaternock watches the changing landscape, and takes in a deep breath, his eyes glowing for a moment. [color=ed1c24]"The further you are from civilization, the more wildlife thrives."[/color] He chuckles, looking out at the forest, his eyes in slits from the light. [color=ed1c24][i]"Kii zklaen nomeno wanotreyxkaiv qe zyak hofibavi? Nomeno visek nomag svent jacioniv. Si tir ti tuor ekess qe wer ir ekess return ekess jacioniv opsola mrith jacioniv loex mamiss."[/i][/color] He sighs, watching the princess. [color=ed1c24][i]"Si geou relgr vi chidrag ekess letoclo jacioniv sjek jaciv wants coi usv ti."[/i][/color] He pulls out a perfectly clear scrying stone, and it glows a brilliant light as he begins chanting. [color=ed1c24]"Chidrag rilnom, nymuer sia relgr, klae dout janik ekess troth udoka shio."[/color] A echo of a roar comes from the gem, and a large green eye flashes in the middle of the stone. [i][color=39b54a]Si confn. Letoclo wux.[/color][/i]