Frosiien gave a small nod to Michael's words, "Exactly." She agreed before she sighed and leaned back in the chair as she looked to the ceiling, "It's always the minority which ruins everything with the Legendaries. I've met humans who have been [i]horrible[/i], but then I've also met humans who are absolutely amazing." She said as she looked to Michael with a bigger grin, obviously meaning him and his Uncle. Frosiien looked over towards Benny and bowed her head softly, "I appreciate the offer." She started, "But I would rather have Mitch sleep on his own terms, so just in case I need him, he can be ready to help instead of being induced." She smiled to Benny and moved to gently pet his head. Sparky's ears pricked up after a moment, stretching and hopping up from Soul and walked over to Michael and rested her head against his leg as her tail wagged slowly. She quietly listened into what Michael was saying to Frosiien.