David had arrived at the base to find it was being run mostly by civilians, not enough people had survived to really be picky about it now. As someone who had actually encountered the Grey in person he found himself talking far more than he would have liked. He didn't have any new information, no secrets, no previously unknown information. He was of no help and any hope he gave people by being the survivor of a Grey attack quickly vanished at his reluctance to talk about it. He was making sure everyone was situated after his shift on the gate had finished. His stomach growled and with a sigh he headed to the chow line. "Hurry up and wait, welcome to the Army," David said to the shotgun toting woman in front of him. Ordinarily civilians and any personnel not party of the Military Police Force would not be allowed armed on base. Their situation was anything but ordinary. As far as they could tell, they were the only operational base in Texas but it could just be that communications were knocked out. David hoped it was the latter, he couldn't imagine a world where the greatest military in the world was brought not to its knees but to its death in one fell swoop. He was armed himself, a Smith & Wesson Shield .40, a series of knives and he even had a few grenades tucked away out of sight. He didn't know how long he would stay at the base, he wasn't entirely certain that it was safe to gather in large groups like this. Ordinarily, he would consider a military base a defensible position but that was with a fully trained and staffed military. Not civilians who had lost everyone they had once known or loved. Even he wasn't immune to the grief but he hid it better than most. "Food isn't great but you won't starve," David said as he grabbed a tray and handed it to her before grabbing his own tray. He wasn't kidding about the food not being great. They were served chili with ground beef, a smattering of shredded cheese and a large undercooked potato. There was no restriction on how many servings you could have, there was more than enough food to go around and people needed the calories.