"Shit." She muttered at the revelation he'd actually fought the bastards that had done this. By squad he likely meant he'd been military. Jess took a small bite of the chili but the ground beef reminded her of all the bodies and she couldn't bring herself to eat it. "Um, got in from Cotulla about half an hour ago. Drove about 100 miles per hour all the way here, terrified I'd run into...them." Jess took a breath, offering the beef patty to the soldier across from her. He'd need more than she did anyway. "There were 15 of us all gathered for July 4th. I was...the only one." She stated slowly, taking care to try and not start crying again. Time for tears was over. "I've got some cousins in Washington...don't know about them but...I'm not hopeful. You?" She questioned, looking up into his singular eye. She chided herself for thinking that he'd be an awfully handsome pirate. Stupid tired brain.