"Wot you finkin'?" Ugrek muttered to Kroga, burly hands clutching one of the large rocks they hid behind. Pig-like yellow eyes focusing intently on the Goblin shaman and the circle he had stepped within. Ugrek was the second largest Orc in the mob, just behind Bolg the Warchief, who was out on the sea at the moment. His best mate Kroga was just behind him, and though he'd butcher him if Kroga were to challenge his position, until that day he'd eat and sit next to the nob. "Dunno," Kroga said, shaking his thick skull. Their shoulders were so broad it was hard to keep them both fully within the six feet of clustered rocks. The rest of the lads were huddled behind the trees, cheering the shaman on. Kroga glanced at the circle. "I dunno who dem humies dere up on dat circle is either. Whoever dey is, dey strong. Too bad we didn't get dere before ol' Galzeez, but rulez is rulez eh?" Meanwhile within the circle, Amal was unsure of exactly what was transpiring. All he could deduce was Emmaline's powers had been jumpstarted and likely the same was about to happen to this strange goblin mystic. He quickly attempted to try and formulate a plan, his mind racing with a plausible scenario of survival. If nothing else, he knew how to get out of situations alive. He was brought out of his thoughts by the screeching of the Galzeez creature. "Galzeez!" It cried out, before giving a chant in its foul tongue. The only word Amal caught that he recognized was 'Gork.' The Arabyan did not know the significance of the word, but he wished he had, as he saw a spell more terrible than anything Emmaline had ever wrought materialize before his eyes. It came in the form of a greenish light coalescing in the form of a humongous Orc. So large in fact that it dwarfed even the Giant that had nearly taken them out of the sky! He didn't know what it was made of other than 'magic'. Damn, he wish he knew more about that shit! "By the Lady!" Sir Brenly exclaimed as Gerard and Douglas called to their own pagan gods. The towering Orc aberration rose its arms the size of sea worthy ships in the air as if it were hooting and hollering, and without warning it lifted its ginormous foot thirty feet high in the air, the massive appendage now hovering above the rock formation. Amal's eyes widened and Emmaline squeaked in fear. The thief moved on instinct, crouching and spinning, his hand grabbing the handle of a fallen axe. At the outset of his spin, he let it fly to cut across the air. As the axe flew, he scooped up Emmaline as if she were a sack of flour and leaped on the carpet. "Brenly! Everyone!" He called, and thank Allah the elder Knight was close enough to leap on as well. Douglas leaped and grabbed ahold of the carpet's rungs, but Gerard tripped over a fallen Orc. The next second was the longest second Amal had in weeks. Turning he saw the Galzeez Goblin now crying out, its arm severed from the thrown axe. The foot didn't stop falling, and Amal did not keep Emmaline nor the others from flying out of harm for Gerard's sake. In his heart of hearts, the thief didn't care what happened to the bastard. The last sound Gerard ever made was a cry of helplessness, and it was cut out by the sound of powerful wind as the carpet sped off like a lightning bolt. Behind them, the foot landed upon the ground, everything within the circle crushed to a bloody pulp. Amal paid it only a moment's notice before he realized just how powered the carpet had become. It thrummed with energy beneath his feet, and he kept himself from openly grinning. "Douglas, I am sorry for your friend. We will go and drop you off at your village and never bother your people again! Emm, let's make it to the mainland, yes? Brenly?" [@Penny]