Serina moved in to catch Charmcaster as she was flung back so she did not fall off but got a scatch on her face for the trouble though she showed no visible pain to it. Charmcaster then unleashed a powerful shockwave of psychic energy at Hibiki. Now with both pokemon enraged, after cleaning the bit of blood on her face from the wound. Selina finally spoke up "穏やかさと静けさ、私の最愛の友達" She spoke loud enough that Charmcaster ears twitched, as would Zerina. Gileta visible flinched in her hidding place as she watched Serina get injured by Charmcaster but knew this was not the first time her trainer had been injured during her sisters rage form and would not be the last. Gileta then heard the command and nodded before a blue color rose up her back and her marking on her body lit up blue before she breathed a invisible blue mist upon the battle field. As it would touch Charmcaster and Hibiki, they would feel their rage vanish and Hibiki would be forced back into her normal form. Charmcaster felt her rage dissappear bringing a smile to her face as she once again touched her head to her wand, before she staggered slowly and then collapsed, the sudden evaporation of her anger and rage taking the last of her energy too.