[quote]So its time to revile my plans for the finale of the Hibiki vs Charmcaster fight. So I would like to see them both in their full on destructive rage, and you can have Hibiki almost attack Chuck if you want, Serina would then whistle up to Gileta who will unleash an invisible blue mist. (Invisible to regular people, but main heroes will see it) Its going to be her enhanced Phermones though the experments done to her now means she has 3 phermones color, Blue for Calmimg, Pink for attraction and Red to cause Rage. The only clue to her phermones is what colour her spine glow as she uses them (Kinda like Godzilla atomic breath). The moment Hibiki and Charmcaster breath this in, it would trigger a failsafe in both their minds and forceable revert them back to normal but will also take energy away causing Charmcaster to faint and Hibiki can just about hold on. That will then give Chuck the win.[/quote] This is the post I sent [@Azure Flame] about Gileta methods. To expand on it more: Gileta is the strongest of the pouchers expermental pokemon, though without a rage form, you would wonder why. This is because Gileta phermones have been genetically altered as well. Her phermones have 3 version that she use known as Calming, Lust and Hate. When her spine and symbol on her body change to blue, this is the calming effect as blue tends to be used as a calming colour, which always appears as a blue mist, where she can calm people and pokemon allowing peaceful discussions or as the pouchers originally intended, to allow them to steal pokemon without a fight, her sisters (Zerina, Charmcaster, Hibiki and Gardevoir) all had a failsafe built into their codes during the experments, which means that when the blue mist is ether inhaled or touches their fur or skin, they are forceable reverted back to normal if in rage/Mega form, though this does drain their energy as well, causing them to faint if their energy too low like what happen to Charmcaster. When her Spine and Symbol on her body change to Pink, this is the Lust effect, since pink is normally given to romantic colours and what not. This feel more alike normal attract so its effect is pink hearts Which does exactly what it says on the tin, since the pouchers had specific stats they were looking for, they would often capture pokemon who had the potential to give the best stats for their offspring but because of the conditions the pokemon were forced to live in, they would often not do what the pouchers needed, so Lust was developed to essentially force pokemon to procreate until they ether died or gave the pouchers the perfect offspring. Gileta and Zerina are both products of this method, with Gileta inheriting the power to do this. And finally, When her spine and symbols glow Red, which is often a colour associated with anger and hate. This is the hatred effect, once pokemon had served their purpose and no longer were useful to the pouchers. They would throw them into an arena where a red mist was always present. It would turn them into blood thirsty monsters who would fight and fight until they died. The pouchers used this as entertainment and placed bets on who would win, Zerina witness the death of many of her friends and family in that pit as did Hibiki and Gileta was always trapped in a cage above the arena forced to keep refilling the arena with Red mist, making her feel directly responsible for the death of so many causing her great pain inside, though she only ever showed it to Serina and Hibiki.