Josh stared at Benjamin, his eyes glinting purple as what seemed to be purple aura trickled off of his eyes. "That's interesting," He started as he looked towards Dia, "I thought you were smitten for the spirit behind you." He gestured to Ray almost calmly, as if he had known for a while. "Not the Fallen Princess." He breathed in slowly, hiding his annoyed reaction from Benjamin. Why were humans so hard to work with? "As for why I pulled Dia away..." He stepped forward, so there wasn't much of a distance between the two of them, "Dia is [i]dead[/i]," He continued, his mouth in a frown, "But yet, here she is. As tangible as you and I." Dia moved to step in between Benjamin and Josh with a sneer, "He has nothing to do with that." She said, "Look, we're trying to help others here, just let us do what we need to do." Josh straightened himself up with a grumble and a huff, "You're going to need a lot more than just you two idiots to manage it." He said, crossing his arms Dia let out a low growl before Josh rolled his eyes. "Of course, my apologies [i]my liege.[/i]" [hr] Sara gave a small smile and a nod as Marc spoke. "If you think it would be nice, I would be happy with it!" She said happily, before she looked back to the sky and watched the stars again. "Are... Arcades loud?" She asked out loud, looking towards Marc again with a bit of questioning look. "I can deal with some noise, but too much makes... Them come out too quickly." She sighed softly. "I think being around you helps." She spoke with a quiet voice, "I wish you don't ever meet her, she's not nice like you. She's malicious and murderous; She's never managed to actually hurt someone but the things she thinks of are... scary."