[color=ed1c24]“Don’t worry about it. You’ll be joining them soon enough. You’re nothing more than sacrifices anyway,”[/color] the man leading the group said. He was tall, muscular, and menacing. Though he was nothing compared to Haki, he still towered over Chance and all of the other guards. There was also something strange about complexion. It was much paler than normal though it might just be because of the lighting in the cave. [color=39b54a][i]“I—“[/i][/color] before Haki could answer, he was forced to let go of Chance. [color=ed1c24]“Crater keep an eye on him,”[/color] the leader said to a figure behind them. When he looked back, Haki could see the bull Beastmen standing there. He forcibly grabbed Haki’s arm and held them tightly behind his back. Then with a painful twist to his arm, he began walking. This wasn’t the ideal situation but it was better than fighting all of them at once. He only hoped that Chance wouldn’t put himself in danger. [hr] Adrian couldn’t help but smile at Nessa’s childish behavior. It helped break up the tension that was around them. [color=0072bc][i]“Yes. It has to be. Why make a prison when with one in it. It makes so sense,”[/i][/color] Adrian signed. He was about it continue when he heard a small tussle of leaves. He scanned the area to see someone crouching in a nearby bush. Quickly, he walked up to it and reached in to pull out a small child. She was a Fae with long blond hair and dressed in shorts and a cloak. She couldn’t be any older than 10 so why was she alone in the forest. Could it be that they were kidnapping children? [color=ec008c]“P-put me down! Or or else!”[/color] The child screamed and failed around. He wasn’t that good with children so he put her on the ground and looked to Nessa for help.