[color=blue]Interacting with Kirsty [@Lugubrious], Liam [@CriticalHit], and Tate [@CondorTalon][/color] [h3][b][color=blue]Alina Sanford[/color][/b][/h3] Alina was a little bit focused on the girl's intent to help the guy who'd fallen over, and her own thoughts to boot. Thus, it took her a moment longer than her apparent companion to realise that, yeah, there really [i]wasn't[/i] anybody else around - nobody on the street, nobody coming outside, nada. And here she thought the university had just emptied out - which, by the way, looked like it had been through a grinder or something, along with every other building in the area. Hell of a trip, then, and she had no answers to the darker-skinned lady's questions about where everyone was, or indeed where they were. No, wait, she was wrong. There were a couple of new people: somebody came along, asked like five different questions in a row, then started shaking the unconscious guy. Gee, the other two people here wouldn't be happy about that. 'He tripped. I mean, I'm pretty sure we're all tripping, but he fell over. Caught himself, at least... still, shaking him won't help.' And as for the second person... there was somebody in the fog. Barely visible. Hiding, it seemed like, as ALina stood to get a better view. Their shape was indistinct as a result, but they certainly weren't keen on approaching. And honestly, Alina wasn't too keen on having them come closer either. Whatever. Not like things could get worse right now... except that she needed to introduce herself. She didn't know why that thought came to mind, it just did. They seemed to be sharing their hallucinations, so they probably needed to complete some bullshit "spirit quest" in order to get out of here. Or at least converse to pass the time until the drugs wore off. Ugh. 'I'm Alina, by the way. I don't think I said yet. Probably polite of me to tell you.'