[hider=Alase Rogars] Character Details: Name: Alase Rogars Age: 16 Appearance: A tall, stocky white-skinned tanned redhead with green eyes and buff arms. Her hair is long and flowing, reaching her mid-back. Personality: Usually cheerful, exoderient girl. Wants to be a hero like she hears about in stories. Generous, caring, and kind. Tends to throw herself into things without much forethought and relies on quick thinking to get out alive. Tends to trust people unless given a reason to not do so. Very curious about the world. Background: Growing up on a farm, she knew a certain amount of peace and quiet in her early years. Yet she herself was restless. She heard about tales of heroes and adventures from others and found that she wanted to be like one of those heroes. Protecting the weak, saving those who needed it, fighting against the forces of evil. So every chance she took, she trained and practiced, making all the preparations she could to be a hero. Gwendolyn was more dour about the possible dangers she'd face out there, but Alase was determined to see it through. The test of courage was going to be her chance, but now with this new assignment being given out...She can hardly wait to prove her worth, and see what's going on with the falling star. Skills: Sword-fighting, Archery, Horseback riding Gear: Sword, Bow and Arrows, A white stallion with a black mane named Aragorn, bedroll, waterskin with water, camping gear including flint, and some food. Misc.: Also enjoys reading and hearing tales along with singing Eidolon Details: Name: Gwendolyn Appearance: A small, silvery wolf with white paws and a white chest. Her size makes her seem puppyish Abilities: Heal: Can heal wounds or illness with a touch or a lick. Light: Can send out flashes of light to disorentient enemies though it can also disorentient Alase if she's not careful. Howl: Can call normal wolves to her and Alase's aid. [/hider]