Arken, after being essentially shooed away from Summer, sort of just putzed around a bit while a few of the other newly initiated witches headed back towards the house. Camping under the stars would be a great way to end the night, he thought. Then his thought aimlessly floated over to Hana. Nothing about her in particular. Just...her, in general. There were many questions he wanted to ask. Conversations he wanted to have with her. For some reason, sharing a campsite with her made his pulse quicken and heart flutter a little. He has literally never felt like this towards anyone else. How does Hana see him? Some rich, old coven family dickhead? Some guy that plays too much? UGH. After a short while, he glanced around the wellspring again, noticing that most people have either started to or have already headed back, Arken decided that he should probably do the same. Walking through the tunnel, he spotted Hana, slowly making her way back as well. All the healing she did previously could not have been easy on her body, he thought. Ah what the hell, the thought followed. He walked up, took her hand and just kept striding forward, back towards the party. What could go wrong? He thought. His heart might as well have stopped when his hand touched Hana’s. He took a few steps forward, his mind completely blank. Eventually, he was able to blurt out a few words. “Ah. UM. The night., sure it full of stars...” He even followed his random sentence with a few nervous chuckles. “Uh, we should get back to the group...” He said, letting go of her hand and essentially power-walking his own way through the tunnel and back to the group... Back at the campsite, Arken made his way back into the house And got changed into something more comfortable and campfire appropriate. Dressed in a pair of athletic shorts, a plain grey t-shirt and some simple tennis shoes, he found a spot not too far from the fire and sat down. Staring up at the sky, he leaned back and propped himself up with both hands. This was it. He is now a fully initiated member of the coven. Though not in the same standing as some of the more prominent members, he can at least now claim to fully be in the coven, and not just by association and birth. He sighed softly. The magic coursing through his body was itching to be tested. He glanced around him, making sure there wasn’t someone too close as to potentially be hurt. He inhaled a steady breath and gentle placed his hands on the earth near him and let the magic run from his palms into the ground. In his mind, there was something in particular that he wanted to make. Something...comfortable. It wasn’t exactly enclosed, but it was enough to shield the elements. It made for a decent place to spend the night, given the simple sleeping bag that there were given. The rest of the newly initiated witches were speaking about heading into the wood for a little bit of adventure and thrill-seeking. Normally, Arken would be all for it. Tonight, he had something else on his mind. The darkness that he saw during the ritual. The feeling of impending doom. Just what was that. He leaned against the earthen wall he had just made, looked up in the glittering sky and pondered. For a brief moment, he would poke his head out and scan around the site, wondering where Hana was or what she was doing. Hopefully his actions had not caused too much trouble for her... [@Akayaofthemoon]