[hider=Mnemosyne Data Index] [hr][hr] [center][url=https://fontmeme.com/fonts/m39-squarefuture-font/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200608/f85bf83fa9f90d7261f7894d863a053a.png[/img][/url][/center] [hr][hr] [center][img]https://images2.alphacoders.com/121/121800.jpg[/img][/center] [center][I]A.D. 2075: Systems online. Beginning routine maintenance checks... A.D. 2683: Initial expansion complete, initializing datum collection process... A.D. 3475: WARNING. SOCIOPOLITICAL INSTABILITIES DETECTED. BEGIN IMMEDIATE RELOCATION OF IMPORTANT HISTORICAL ASSETS...[/I][/center] [quote] [b]Dominion/Non-Dominion:[/b] Non-dominion, though given its purpose the M.D.I. retains its loyalty to the human race as a whole. [b]Ideology/Political System:[/b] The founding principle of the Index is the preservation of knowledge, humanities specifically, although it has a secondary function mandating the distribution of said knowledge to the minds of authorized petitioners. To this end its makers have provided it with the capacity to alter its parameters under certain circumstances, allowing it to take military action in times of crisis, a few examples of which include the defense of its processes or information it holds. It is because of this pre-programmed ability to adapt that it went from the size of a small facility to a planet-spanning entity in under a few millennia. In regards to how it functions the Mnemosyne operates by extending its will into a honeycombed network of processing nodes, analyzing, performing, and completing hundreds of tasks at once. [b]Population Demographics:[/b] Population isn't quite the right term to use in the Index's case, as the closest approximation it has to this are the millions of drones currently overseeing maintenance of its physical components planet wide. As for their exact number, it is around ten million or so, with an even split dictating half of these to defense and the rest to a more utilitarian end. [b]Technological level/Unique Technologies:[/b] The tech level of the Index is round about the same as the Dominion's, albeit much smaller in both size and scope. As for what specialized technologies it employs specifically, they are as follows... [indent] [I]Multicursal Network:[/I] Perhaps the most unique part of its defenses, the multicursal network is a multipurpose subroutine responsible for maintaining the organizational structure of the Index's city-sized archives, in addition to its security as a whole. While simple at first, nothing more than a really strong firewall, this program evolved over time to become downright mazelike in nature. So much so that many claim it to be unhackable, though this is not entirely true. Every puzzle has a solution after all, and every maze a path. All one has to do is find it. [I]Mem-gel:[/I] A viscous cobalt colored liquid, Mem-gel is a unique replacement for the more traditional water based cooling systems of the Dominion, one created by the Index itself. Unusual appearance aside, the gel is designed to boost data transfer speeds across a network while simultaneously cooling the hardware upon which it relies, something it does quite well. [I]Core Tap:[/I] Not really a technology per se, more of a process really, but still worth mentioning nonetheless. The Index extracts geothermal energy from the planets core via a system of reinforced tubes and conduits that extend beneath the surface like the roots of a great tree. Said energy is then converted into electricity and transferred back to the facilities comprising the planets surface. [/indent] [b][u]Owned Planets[/u][/b] [indent] [I]Phavos:[/I] A ringed Mercury size planet orbiting a blue star somewhere in the depths of the Zrul system. Although it was once a temperate world, home to many rudimentary forms of life, it has since been converted into a mechanical labyrinth following the installation of the Index onto its surface in the year 2075 A.D. It is also flanked by two moons, both of which have remained free of the Mnemosyne's metallic clutches thus far. As mentioned earlier its surface has been converted into the hardware composing the Index itself, an act that sectioned the planet off into three different parts referred to as the Alpha, Beta, and Theta sectors respectively. [hider=Alpha Sector] [center][img]https://www.wallpaperup.com/uploads/wallpapers/2015/04/11/659194/b97660895f62b6c76cb8077628254cef.jpg[/img] The topmost layer. It is here that visitors spend a majority of their time being ferried to and fro between the areas appropriate to the kind of knowledge they seek. It is here the primary components of the Javelin defense grid can be seen, its triple-barreled railguns silhouetted against a slate grey sky. [/center] [/hider] [hider=Beta Sector] [center][img]https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/9efbd92a-2623-408d-994c-d69e562687a5/d7i0ul7-69941f09-cf02-4e3f-bca9-d3efe8c62a71.jpg/v1/fill/w_1180,h_677,q_75,strp/sci_fi_city_by_lapec-d7i0ul7.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJpc3MiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwic3ViIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsImF1ZCI6WyJ1cm46c2VydmljZTppbWFnZS5vcGVyYXRpb25zIl0sIm9iaiI6W1t7InBhdGgiOiIvZi85ZWZiZDkyYS0yNjIzLTQwOGQtOTk0Yy1kNjllNTYyNjg3YTUvZDdpMHVsNy02OTk0MWYwOS1jZjAyLTRlM2YtYmNhOS1kM2VmZThjNjJhNzEuanBnIiwid2lkdGgiOiI8PTExODAiLCJoZWlnaHQiOiI8PTY3NyJ9XV19.zY0oLsoMQ742c0J1xLGSoPn3HTj7hoCUkYD-Y96qgQ8[/img] The layer that lies beneath. Very few visitors are allowed here as it is where the Mnemosyne generally places its less important databanks in a shutoff state to conserve power. Railguns are not employed as liberally here as they are on the surface to avoid damaging the layers of valuable machinery above, and have been replaced by high frequency energy weapons instead. [/center] [/hider] [hider=Theta Sector] [center][img]https://www.gagneint.com/itsp/ART/finalRoom_740wtd.jpg[/img] The final sector. No human visitors are allowed to set foot here, be it in a ship or otherwise, for this is the very core of Phavos. The fulcrum on which the Index turns... [/center] [/hider] [/indent] [b]Military Strength:[/b] Low. The Index does not front a military force, relying instead on drones, backups, and redundancies to keep itself safe. [b][u]Military Roster[/u][/b] [indent] [I]Javelin Defense Grid:[/I] A series of belt-fed triple slide railguns and laser based point-defense systems that litter the planet, these encampments fire bullet-shaped copper bolts at hostile targets while the point-defense systems take down incoming projectiles with high energy blasts, though the offending craft or projectile must be in atmosphere for either to have any real effect. A scaled down version of each also happens to be carried by the Index's drones, with the point-defense doubling as a makeshift welding instrument at lower frequencies. [I]Architectual Reconfiguration:[/I] Aside from being something the Mnemosyne does on a regular basis to make space and conserve power, the artificial intelligence is also capable of changing its physical layout on a whim thanks to its modular construction, something that allows it to trap and even kill those unfortunate enough to be stuck in the area it's currently working on. [hider=Skybreaker Railgun][indent][sub][b]▼ W E A P O N I N F O R M A T I O N[/b][/SUB] [sup][color=#8293a0]▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔[/color] [table] [row] [cell][b]Manufacturer:[/b][/cell] [cell]The Dominion.[/cell] [/row] [row] [cell][b]Type:[/b][/cell] [cell]Kinetic.[/cell] [/row] [row] [cell][b]Cost:[/b][/cell] [cell]Approximately 20 to 30 million.[/cell] [/row] [row] [cell][b]Ammunition Type:[/b][/cell] [cell]Bullet-shaped projectiles with copper casings and tungsten cores.[/cell] [/row] [row] [cell][b]Feed Type:[/b][/cell] [cell][list] [*]Belt-fed. [*]Box mag. Not entirely accurate given the scale of ammunition being fired, but it's close enough.[/list][/cell] [/row] [row] [cell][b]Rate of Fire:[/b][/cell] [cell][list] [*]Triple shot. [*]Burst fire.[/list][/cell] [/row] [row] [cell][b]Weight:[/b][/cell] [cell]1,340 tons (unloaded)/1,495 tons (loaded).[/cell] [/row] [row] [cell][b]Length:[/b][/cell] [cell]Approximately 50 meters long with three 40 meter barrels.[/cell] [/row] [row] [cell][b]Range:[/b][/cell] [cell][list] [*]Practical range - 200 mi (or 370 km). [*]Theoretical range - 1.5 km or higher.[/list][/cell] [/row] [row] [cell][b]Sights:[/b][/cell] [cell][list] [*]N/A, AI operated. [*]N/A, AI operated.[/list][/cell] [/row] [row] [cell][b]Variants:[/b][/cell] [cell][url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Helical_railgun]Helical railgun.[/url] [url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plasma_railgun]Plasma railgun.[/url] [url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coilgun]Coilgun.[/url] [/cell] [/row] [/table][/SUP] [color=#2e2c2c]-[/color][/indent][/hider] [hider=XN-5 LaWS][indent][sub][b]▼ W E A P O N I N F O R M A T I O N[/b][/SUB] [sup][color=#8293a0]▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔[/color] [table] [row] [cell][b]Manufacturer:[/b][/cell] [cell]The Dominion[/cell] [/row] [row] [cell][b]Type:[/b][/cell] [cell]Directed-energy weapon.[/cell] [/row] [row] [cell][b]Cost:[/b][/cell] [cell]1.7 million.[/cell] [/row] [row] [cell][b]Ammunition Type:[/b][/cell] [cell]Energy cells.[/cell] [/row] [row] [cell][b]Feed Type:[/b][/cell] [cell][list] [*]Limited use followed by a brief period of recharge. [/list][/cell] [/row] [row] [cell][b]Rate of Fire:[/b][/cell] [cell][list] [*]Single shot, very quick travel time. [/list][/cell] [/row] [row] [cell][b]Weight:[/b][/cell] [cell]Somewhat lighter than its B.H.E. counterparts.[/cell] [/row] [row] [cell][b]Length:[/b][/cell] [cell]Significantly shorter than its B.H.E. counterparts.[/cell] [/row] [row] [cell][b]Range:[/b][/cell] [cell][list] [*]Practical range - 1 mi (1.6 km). [*]Theoretical range - Unknown.[/list][/cell] [/row] [row] [cell][b]Sights:[/b][/cell] [cell][list] [*]N/A, AI operated. [*]N/A, AI operated.[/list][/cell] [/row] [row] [cell][b]Variants:[/b][/cell] [cell][url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AN/SEQ-3_Laser_Weapon_System]AN/SEQ-3 Laser Weapon System (first successful prototype).[/url] [url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tactical_High_Energy_Laser]THEL.[/url] [url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electrolaser]Electrolaser.[/url] [url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pulsed_energy_projectile]Pulsed energy projectile.[/url] etc. [/cell] [/row] [/table][/SUP] [color=#2e2c2c]-[/color][/indent][/hider] [/indent] [/quote] [/hider] [hr][hr] [hider=The Vormetu] [center][img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/29f0872d-3f98-4cac-b0b0-67ed085a2f0e.png[/img][/center] [hr][hr] [center][url=https://fontmeme.com/fonts/alien-lines-font/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/201002/9d3c49c10af2576ada877220e1bfee0b.png[/img][/url][/center] [hr][hr] [center][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3MUihEyoZls[/youtube][/center] [center][sub]"There are ancient things that lurk within the lightless depths of space. Things that no mortal man should see..."[/sub][/center] [hider=Overview][indent] [i]The Vormetu can be summed up best as a race of eldritch psychics who follow a series of three beliefs that bear a heavy resemblance to the stoic teachings of Earth--specifically the Adiaphora or indifference aspect of that philosophy, from which the system itself derives its name--who fled their dying homeworld after predicting its death several years ago.[/i][/indent][/hider] [hider=Structure][indent] [i]To say Vormetu society has a logically definable structure is to do it a disservice, nay simplify it horribly, for it operates under its own set of internal traditions and rules, a large portion of which are wholly unique to the Vormetu and the Vormetu alone. Despite this, however, some identifiable structure has been sussed out, namely that those with less psychic capability and experience are seen as defferants to those with more. This leads many to believe that at least part of their society is based around the concept of a gerontocracy where those with the most wisdom are the ones fittest to lead, and it would seem they are correct. For try though they might the youngest members of this race cannot help but whisper in quiet awe of a secret council, venerable and full of days, that guides them all. A secondary trait has also been discovered thanks to isolated observations pieced together throughout the years, one which shows their society is almost as obsessed with secrecy as it is with going with the flow, for while they are out and about in the twisting streets of Karbana Kinnis they move beneath the guise of a psychic illusion. One that lets them be perceived as members of whatever species they happen to be around at the time, unless said species has psychics equal to or greater than them in strength or technology made to counter such moves specifically, in which case their subterfuge will obviously fail.[/i] [/indent][/hider] [hider=Beliefs][indent] [I]As mentioned previously, the Vormetu follow a series of three beliefs known collectively as the Adiaphora. These are, in the simplest of terms, as follows... [b]Apatheia:[/b] Which states one must be in total control of themselves at all times, not prone to outbursts of sorrow or rage, for such things distract from the transitory nature that is reality. [b]Ataraxia:[/b] Which states one must be willing to accept changes as they come, not railing in the face of inevitable odds nor fate forseen, merely letting life move one as it will. [b]Autarkeia:[/b] Lastly, one must also have the wisdom to recognize the subtle shades of change, so that you might avoid an otherwise preventable end. It should be, and indeed has been noted by many that tenets two and three seem to contradict, though a deeper analysis reveals that the Vormetu believe one should only accept change when it is absolutely unquestionable. Using the predicted death of their planet as an example, many of their race saw their species demise as inevitable no matter what they did, while a small contingent did not. This contingent believed that, given their development of spaceflight several years prior, life was giving them an equally valid way out should they accept it. Thus is the contradiction solved. Or so it would seem. [/I] [/indent][/hider] [hider=Technology][indent][i] [b]ψ Configuration:[/b] A complex set of systems and redundancies, ψ configurations are employed in practically all ships the Vormetu use. These systems not only serve as a means of defense depending on the class of ship, as it lets the user channel their psychic power into tangible blasts of directed energy, but also let the pilot fly the craft to begin with. ψ configurations also serve as a form of onboard security, since they are programmed to respond to the thoughts of their owner alone. If another sapient does try to take control, they will be met with a powerful psychic attack and killed, unless the user of the craft has given them permission to do so. Furthermore, should another psychic attempt to use a ship's ψ configuration, there is a small chance they can take control provided they are powerful or deceptive enough, though once found out the craft will be fighting with them the entire time. [b]Ψ Worm:[/b] More a parasite than a piece of technology, these worms are grown within vats on a diet of specially mixed chemicals until they reach maturity, after which they are implanted into the body of an adult host. Once implanted the worm makes its way through the body and towards the brain where it then anchors itself, slowly merging itself into the architecture of the host's mind, boosting their psychic capabilities as a result. It should be noted that these creatures are unique to the Vormetu homeworld only, and the only ones left are those the refugees brought with them. [b]Ψ Cannon:[/b] Ψ cannons are a series of handheld weapons that apply the same principle as the Ψ configurations mentioned above, but on a much smaller scale. They provide the appropriate user with operability while also maintaining the inner workings of the gun and keeping it from being used when in unauthorized hands. Although as mentioned before the configurations at work here also have the same weakness to powerful psychics as the ones found in their ships, though they also have the same propensity towards resisting such use as well, making weapon malfunctions much more frequent. [b]Geneweave:[/b] Mentally powered technology, like all of their devices, a geneweave is a tall crystalline tube used by the Vormetu for the means of reproduction. Being a psychic race, and a stoic one at that, they no longer indulge in the more carnal natures of the flesh as their ancestors once did. Now when the time comes a pair of two Vormetu--be it a male and a male, female and male, etc--will gather to place a piece of themselves into the machine so that it may make a new individual based on the genetic material it has been fed. The amount of psychic power in this new Vormetu also tends to vary just as much as it did when they still copulated physically, although the exact reasons for this are not known. [b]Hyperspatial Relocator (Black Box Tech):[/b] Purchased from the Dealers shortly after their arrival, the Hyperspatial Relocator lets the Vormetu reposition their sanctuary when needed by taking advantage of quantum instabilities in the surrounding space, effectively tunneling their entire conclave to a different location. This process is not instant however, as it takes time for the structure to weave its way through the rest of Karbana Kinnis architecture, and there is the very real possibility of it becoming fused with another building should the field be taken offline. As for the buildings it passes through, they and their inhabitants reform shortly thereafter, leaving naught more than a slight tingling sensation behind. [b]Hyperspatial Transponder (Black Box Tech):[/b] A bit of personal tech sold to the Vormetu by the Dealers as an accompaniment to the relocator above, these handheld devices are used primarily by the occasional scout or two when they are sent out around the same time a relocation is taking place since they only have a few to go around. Their function is simple, as they were built to teleport a being back to the sanctuary itself, and since they have an effective range that spans the entirety of the planet they do so quite well. Because of this, however, these devices do not work off-world and will return a "Relocator Not Found" message when used in such conditions. [/i][/indent][/hider] [hider=Demographics][indent][i] [b]Vormetu[/b] - 100% with a mix of baseline and modified. [b]Other[/b] - 0%. [/i][/indent][/hider] [hider=Sapient(s)] [indent][i] [b]Name:[/b] Vormetu. [b]Overview:[/b] Their true forms are, to this very day, somewhat of mystery thanks to their perception altering abilities. There have been those rare moments, however, of extreme duress or lapses in concentration where their guises have slipped, giving the briefest of hints at the incomprehensible mass lying beneath. Additionally, they do have some manner of brain or brains, else they would not posses the psychic abilities they do or be able to make proper use of the worms. Their diet, on the other hand, is a bit more well known thanks to public records of their shipments, and seems to consist primarily of various shrooms and molds. How they prepare these dishes, if they even have such, or what they do with the waste that is undoubtedly produced is not known. Lastly, the Vormetu seem to be capable of living for hundreds, maybe even thousands, of years. It is only because of the devastation that engulfed their planet and their incredibly circumspect method of living since arriving on Karbana that an exact estimate has not been made. [b]Traits:[/b] As mentioned in the overview above, the most notable trait of the Vormetu are their psychic abilities, which allow them to perform feats such as lifting or manipulating objects telekinetically through the use of their minds, operating their technology, communicating via thought rather than speech, and achieving Confluence, which is perhaps the most powerful of their feats. Confluence, for the uninitiated, is a ritual in which the eldest members of their race gather to combine their psionic might and peer into the future, reaching a state of collective precognition in which numerous outcomes can be processed with great efficiency. [b]Psychology:[/b] Although the Vormetu all share the same core beliefs, there is a very clear divide between the older and younger members of their society in regards to how seriously these beliefs should actually be taken. Generally the younger a Vormetu, the more strongly it will see itself as an agent of life's flow rather than a pawn to be moved about as the universe wills, while the older Vormetu see just the opposite. They have reached a point of wisdom, or so they claim, where they can confidently follow life's flow wherever it may go, be that for good or ill. As such, this creates quite a bit of conflict between the two groups, and an unending cascade of telepathic debates. And when it comes to their views on beings not of their own species this divide becomes even more apparent, as the elder members of their race look down upon them with palpable indifference and the younger restrained curiosity, for the elders enforce the rules the younglings must follow regardless of personal beliefs. [b]Permissions:[/b] Members of this race, even the most rambunctious of younglings, do not rebel to the point of warranting exile or banishment, though it is theorized that some ancient Vormetu might have survived the destruction of their homeworld and gone into hiding on other worlds. [/i][/indent][/hider] [hider=Spacecraft][indent][i] [b][url=https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Btqjpi1b0uTALe0C7ZEemKFu3GWJLbFvSmsQBgVR4qk/edit?usp=sharing]Trinon:[/url][/b] The smallest type of craft employed by the Vormetu, and by far the most numerous, these triangle shaped ships are used to navigate the skies of Karbana Kinnis and as such carry next to no personal shielding of any kind. Their configurations do allow for some forms of offensive maneuvers however, albeit only of the lightest fare. [b][url=https://docs.google.com/document/d/1qU_jgrBIjgf1atGpPJ6RfIY8mtRutzIRi49tPT3DVvQ/edit?usp=sharing]Hykri:[/url][/b] The second most widely employed ship, albeit far rarer than the much smaller Trinon, Hykri were initially used for deep space combat purposes but have since been shifted to off-world scouting duties following the Vormetu's arrival on Kinnis. As such they still have a majority of their ancient systems, retrofitted and modified throughout the years, and are quite capable of holding their own in a space-based engagement. [b][url=https://docs.google.com/document/d/1DlQsOHkEtxpKccAgLx_rwqFoq7oWkyOKqfuTR03HNK0/edit?usp=sharing]Sari:[/url][/b] The largest type of ship ever built by the Vormetu, the Sari are relegated to legend and their designs lost to the deepest mists of time. A good thing too, for the craft was said to be the size of an island with the firepower of a god. An exaggeration to be sure but perhaps not an entirely inaccurate one. Some theories have been developed and it's believed that these ancient behemoths were not only much larger, about the size of an asteroid, but also used a type of multiconfiguration system that allowed multiple pilots to operate the craft in a manner similar to the ritual that is performed during a Confluence. This would, hypothetically, result in a mega-fortress capable of spewing streams of psychic energy at foes, with a hull miles thick and nested shields to match. [/i][/indent][/hider] [/hider]