Fear shot into the officers eyes as boots scuffed and moved throughout the hangars. Blasters drawn and aimed at the individual with the orange blades. While nobody on this particular ship had seen anyone with a lightsaber, they had heard tales and spoken to people who had. They knew of the Imperial Knights and their skills and abilities. Without so much as a second thought he pulled his communicator up to his face “We have a Code 66 in the Hangar Bay I repeat a Code 66!” He dropped his free hand to his holdout blaster, raising it and taking a couple of shots while the stormtroopers elsewhere in the hangar started to do the same. [center][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LcKvT015k_k[/youtube][/center] There was no hesitation, and in fact perhaps a certain look of satisfaction on the Zabrak’s face as this occurred. Numbers, they had, but how quickly they forget the folly of reckless gun-usage, as Tarak swept up off his feet and swung his sabers around. Blades intersected blaster bolts and sent them off in different directions, including the officer’s shots. Mind you, the way he jumped was to allow a number of them to miss, but several surely returned to sender or off to another troop instead. It didn’t matter how many died initially, or that reinforcements would shortly be on their way. Tarak had plans on how to clear the room already, his hands making gestures as soon as he landed. One hand merely swept up in an attempt to toss the Officer into the ceiling, to which he hoped to hear the smashing of his fool head in as he enacted the other part of the plan. The other hand was soon performing a slightly-more complex task, but any man who’s memorized his ship’s console could in fact perform the task. Ship’s ignition, hovering thrust, engage weaponry, and open fire. Any troops still within the room would see the Cleaving Tusk activate, set into hover mode, wings extend and guns point forwards, and then...rapid blaster-fire from the vehicle as it shot around the room with Tarak mentally adjusting the attitude control to clear the room of everything but himself, not to mention cause severe damage to everything in sight. As the ship raised up and started to fire the blaster bolts it tore into the walls of the ship killing those on the other side and beginning to gut the ship. While the stormtroopers continued to raise fire upon the individual with the saber, through a door at the back of the hangar two Dark Troopers walked in. Raising their arm cannons and started laying in fire towards the ship. Shots hitting the shields, the energy dissipating against the shields. Whether it would hold up against sustained fire however was another matter. The distinctive screams of a TIE Fighter could be heard as one came howling into the hangar of [i]Resolute[/i]. The twi’lek behind the fighter’s controls quickly assessed the chaotic situation before him. The Imperial Knight had been summoned by one of the Imperial officers aboard the vessel and it was time for order to be brought. Iwil was surprised to see the cause of the struggle wielding a red lightsaber, the telltale sign of a dark side user. It had been sometime since he had seen such a blade in usage. Perhaps not since he had laid his own down on his final day as an Inquisitorius then forged his new lightsabers. This berserking Force user tinged of the dark side to an almost shocking degree as he attacked the assembled Imperial forces inside the hangar. The knight’s eyes focused on the Zabrak’s starship which fired wildly across the hangar. Iwil hovered his own starfight in place, then practically slammed his fingers onto the controls of his ship’s blaster cannons. He had to take that obstacle out of commission first, it would make bringing down this dark sider that much easier. The Imperial knight fired upon the ship with intent as he dealt a number upon the foreign vessel. Even if it fired upon his TIE it could take the damage, Imperial Knights were issued upgraded variants of the classic Imperial starfighter. Increased shielding the most important feature in this type of situation. Iwil used the Force to take over control of the cannon’s controls as he moved his hand to open the top hatch of his fighter. A moment later he ascended from inside his fighter, standing atop it, the craft still laying into the Cleaving Tusk. The crimson armored knight had his lightsabers in hand as he leapt down from the top of his ship, then ignited them as he darted at the dark sider from an angle. The Cleaving Tusk did not have to hold up under Dark Trooper fire for long. It was designed to be a sleek and [i]versatile[/i] fighter, and though he was not at the helm exactly...Tarak still took much delight in swinging it around so that the energy bomb launcher in back could fire upon the Dark Troopers, causing quite an explosion! Indeed, the Sith was laying waste to [i]much[/i] of this hangar, alarms blaring as the whole area and hallways beyond were compromised. Fires raised and Troopers would have a more difficult time even [i]approaching[/i] the area now...as indeed it should be. Tarak had established a perimeter of death and destruction that, eventually, no fool would dare to cross. It was tactically more sound to await his approach than funnel into the meat grinder. True, there was a literal army on board, but would the commander of this vessel dare throw his men away so casually? No, the [i]better[/i] question was...could he afford to, knowing that they needed every able body to throw at the [i]Republic?[/i] Ahhh...now [i]that[/i] was indeed a quandary. Not immediately important, though, as Tarak felt his senses pricked just prior to the arrival of the TIE. The Force spoke to both ends, and the players in their parts knew that the other was there in the great game of life. Very soon, the opponents were paired off, Cleaving Tusk against the enhanced TIE, and the Zabrak against the Twi'lek. The former of the two battles was mainly in the background at this point, however. The main point was [i]here[/i], with these two warriors of the Force. To the other’s initial approach, Tarak struck with both fiery sabers in a parry that was made to deflect Iwik’s more agile approach with unyielding strength, his feet planted to remain as resolute as the ISD’s own name. He smirked at the attacker. [color=a0410d]"Greetings..."[/color] Oh, there was so much hostility here, and fierce joy in his work. That one word alone seemed layered with it, as though he were to say ‘Welcome to my killing pit’. He was very much in the center of his own element here, with flames and destruction everywhere, sirens blaring and panic no doubt racing throughout the ship as they desperately clambered for some means to alleviate themselves of this menace. “End this idiocy now, surrender. There is no way for you to make it out of this,” Iwil replied as their lightsabers clashed and the hangar sounded around them. Righteous white clashed powerfully with magmatic orange as the two dueled whilst their starfighters fired upon each other. The twi’lek darted to the side, then took a defensive stance with both blades posed at the ready. “You reek of the dark side. It has put you into an unwinnable situation.” The Imperial Knight added as he ensured his feet were properly planted, then lifted two fingers off one of his weapons to signal for the brute to attack him. He always enjoyed facing dark siders, they were so clouded with misguided arrogance and rage. This one was practically boiling over with the dark, it reminded Iwil of himself in his inquisitor days. He would strike down this brute if he needed to, but taking the Zabrak alive could yield some answers. Iwil could signal for more backup if he needed it, but he didn’t believe he would. Though if he did perhaps the Knight Commander would be the one to arrive on the scene next. Dredar had gone away some time ago on a mission directly from Lord Imperium, only stating a few simple words to the other Knights before his departure. The Zabrak emitted a derisive laugh and shrugged at Iwil. [color=a0410d]"I have [i]no idea[/i] what you’re talking about. This was merely a disagreement between myself and customs. I was going through [i]proper channels[/i]. It’s your [i]own[/i] fault for not being accommodating."[/color] He was mocking him, treating all of this as a minor inconvenience, including the Twi’lek himself. In no way was he underestimating that he was dealing with another experienced Force-user, but he was neither intimidated by the man, either. He would treat it with as much respect that was [i]necessary[/i], no more and no less. Overestimation led to pointless time-wasting and underestimation led to a quick folly. Always live on that edge of the knife where your actions are exactly where they need to be, to find that area of the perfect kill, one way or another… For instance, the best way to crush those who think they have the upper-hand is to let them believe so...right before the unexpected occurs. That stance the Twi’lek was using… It looked rather deft at reacting to the attack incoming. How would it be, then, if Tarak [i]reached out and pulled with the Force[/i], so that his enemy might fall forwards and off balance for him to bring down his own sabers?! Well, that was the aim, anyway. “I don’t believe that. Drop your weapons and surrender.” Iwil shot back with a fierce glare. The trained Force user took notice of what the brute was about to try as he felt the Force. The twi’lek instead channeled the Force and dashed directly at his opponent. Both blades spinning with fury as he channeled his aggression into pure speed. As he closed in on the zabrak he cleaved at two different levels of his enemy, one swing at chest height while the other lashed towards his belt level. The Imperial Knight sprinted at an almost blinding speed as he charged, the rank and file troopers around them simply watching while the two starfights continued to duke it out in air. The summoned death troopers continued to pour blaster bolts into the stranger’s vessel, it surely wasn’t going to last much longer under such duress. Iwil had to end this nonsense as quickly as possible, it was disgraceful to the Imperium that this dark side fueled beast had come here and made such a scene. The movement was unexpected and fast, causing Tarak to take a backfoot as he reacted by instinct to defend himself. Where once were the sabers ready to tear down an enemy, they instead jerked to parry aside and force themselves against the Twi’lek’s light sabers, one pointed up and one pointed down as these plasma blades were pushed away. He surprised him with that speed, but even if Tarak was [i]not[/i] that fleet of foot, his reactions were able to move quickly enough. It put him on the defensive, and that was fine. He gave a little grunt of effort and a snarl for effect. At the moment, he became aware of more gunfire than normal. Interfering whelps again. Did they not learn the first few times? Very well, we will [i]dispense[/i] with the distractions. The Zabrak’s eyes narrowed and his memory of the controls - how he’d handle this if he were in the cockpit - showed clearly in his mind. With a shift, the somewhat-ailing Cleaving Tusk would pull a sudden one-eighty turn and fire its energy bomb launcher point-blank at the TIE while turning its guns on the troops. That would certainly handle soldiers and ships for the moment, maybe even down the Imperial fighter entirely. It mattered not. At roughly the [i]same[/i] time, Tarak put the two handles of his light sabers together and they locked in place, making it the assassin’s double-saber before shoving back at the Twi’lek with a growl and lashing out at him as though his body were a devastating whirlwind. With his body spin-striking the weapon thus, with his own offensive pressed, the other Force-user would have to be very quick to defend, very fleet of foot to escape, or very dead in the extreme. The twi’lek smirked as he bounded forward, hitting his opponent with both blades. Though neither broke through the sturdy defenses it was a positive sign that he could use his upper hand in agility to find holes to strike. This brute was no slouch though, he was well trained even if his mind was clouded with dark side addled arrogance. Iwil would bring the zabrak down nonetheless, either through a disabling or death. He furrowed his brow as more fire was focused upon his TIE fighter as it continued the pilotless dogfight above. It did not matter to him if the ship was destroyed, if there was one thing which the Imperium excelled at it was manufacturing war machinery. As the dark sider launched into a whirlwind the twi’lek backpeddled with both his blades bouncing upwards to deflect blows. He created space between the two of them until he was fully clear. The Imperial knight used the force to fuel his frame then launched into the air as he soared above his opponent. He landed cleanly, then called upon the force once more as he plucked some debris from the side. With a grunt he flung it towards the zabrak, then followed it up with another piece of debris. Both debris flew rapidly towards the brute. Neither were massive in their size but he wasn’t looking to crush his hulking opponent with them. Iwil just needed a brief break of concentration from this intruder, then he could launch in and deliver a potentially crippling blow. Yes, the other Force-user was [i]very[/i] nimble. If not for his Master’s use of quick and flowing attacks, Tarak might’ve had more openings, and thus be less difficult foe to deal with. It was never easy, dealing with that, but his Master insisted that he work at it, and although he was the Master for a reason, it was with great pride that he managed to push the man back, at times. Now, however, there was the unknown with this Twi’lek, and a multitude of potential problems. In all honesty, this could drag out for a considerable time, and while only a short time had passed in reality, it was long in terms of battle. Indeed, the Zabrak was beginning to harbor ideas for a plan of attack that would render this one here irrelevant, for a time. For now, though, he would see what he could do with this annoying insect. Even now, as Iwil leapt overhead, Tarak followed his movements, keeping his senses open for some sort of sneak-tactic. He didn’t seem to quite adopt those. That was disappointing, and yet [i]not so[/i], at the same time. For instance, the thrust of debris was caught up in a spin of his connected sabers. There was, in the Empire, this contingent of lazy Force-hunters - the Purge Troopers - who, among those skilled in the Force to hunt their own kind, carried these automated spinning double-sabers. Pathetic. You learn your weapon well or it will [i]fail[/i] you. The Zabrak swept the weapon around even as he was deflecting and destroying the small debris, keeping his head out of the way as he did. Iwil would probably notice, before his charge, that Tarak had cut what amounted to a bloody swath in the deckplating before him. The blades kept giving off bits and drips of heated plasma. That last action had even momentarily set his own [i]cloak[/i] on fire...not that he seemed to notice. Anyway, this [i]became[/i] important because his surge forwards would quickly find a problem. He might’ve sensed it before he heard it, but he definitely heard it before he saw it. The Zabrak caused the deckplates and electronics just beneath to flip up at him using an explosion of the Force in the floor, bringing it up at him like a [i]wave[/i] of solid matter, or a door slamming in one’s face. However Iwil chose to react to this, his opponent’s next act was clear, stabbing right through the plating to try and skewer him while distracted, and surging that blade up through the impromptu wall to try and get at him, should he jump over! Not just a brute, then, this blackguard. Tactical moves, anticipation and reaction, and above all there was still yet that aim to dominate his foe through controlled chaos. Whatever Master trained [i]him[/i] was doing more than making him angry. He [i]enjoyed[/i] this. He was making [i]sport[/i] of this. [i]All[/i] the emotions were fuel for his fire...and potentially [i]insanity[/i]. The well trained twi’lek watched the sizable opponent’s reaction carefully as the debris bounded towards him. He didn’t expect them to do any actual damage but hopefully create a break in his opponent’s concentration in order to strike. He was surprised at what Tarak instead did, as the Force rippled through the floor beneath him. Iwil launched himself upwards, blades in a defensive position as he expected a lightsaber attack. He was met with that as the blade’s came surging for him. The Imperial Knight caught the blades between his own, as the blazing white met with the molten red of his opponent. He used his agility to once more create space between them, though as the twi’lek landed he caught eye of a fleet suddenly emerging. Clear through the hangar bay doors. “Are those your friends, Sith?” Iwil asked with a smirk, as he paced carefully across from his opponent. Still ensuring to keep his resolve on the fight at hand. Having yet to see any laser fire emit from this newly arrived fleet of Imperial vessels. Then the twi’lek dashed towards his enemy, shifting side to side in an attempt to catch Tarak off guard. Either way both of his weapons’ blades would strike in from the side, a bold move but a necessary one to try to gain the upper hand. The lack of any death scream or cries of pain disappointed the Zabrak. As much as he delighted in an opponent worthy of his brutality, the fact is that he would’ve preferred something a little more decisive and quick at this moment. It was, after all, an entire Star Destroyer’s worth of opposition, and there were other vessels out there, as well. In fact, surprisingly, there were now [i]even more ships[/i] in the immediate vicinity than there had been just a moment ago! This had not been anticipated… As much as he had figured upon there being problems landing on Coruscant, friction between him and the local Imperials, and indeed the trials and tribulations of executing a whole [i]crew[/i]...the notion of yet more ships just showing up all of a sudden had not crossed his mind. The situation was growing just a bit too complex for his liking. Better to cut this little venture short and move on, or at least find another way to handle things. Perhaps...yes… Those ships were not falling into formation with the rest, but were in opposition. Perhaps they [i]were[/i] his friends. He merely laughed at Iwil, neither confirming nor denying what he had asked about. Best to keep him on his toes, keep him worried. Speaking of which, the Twi’lek was dashing at him again, full force, to throw him back. Tarak put forth his own sabers in a strong defense, but let his footing go so that he could be pushed back closer to the hangar’s atmospheric shield. [color=a0410d]"Give my regards to the Command Tower...and [i]BEGONE!!![/i]"[/color] A strong shockwave of the Force lashed out at Iwil as he thrust his sabers back at him hard, working to catapult him physically and launch him willfully so that he might be thrown across the room. There, he would bring his ship to heel so that he could leave the other warrior behind. Iwil grunted as he was thrown backwards by the shockwave, the Imperial knight doing his best to keep his footing as the Zabrak darted for his starship. He did manage to block the forceful red blades with his own but was still sent away from the Sith. Tarak did not affirm or deny any allegiance with this newly arrived Imperial fleet, though the twi’lek did not believe the hulking Force user was aligned with them. He did not see any shots fired from the imposingly large fleet which meant it may very well be a peaceful arrival as opposed to an assault on the galactic crown jewel. He turned his attention back to Tarak as the Sith dashed towards his ship in order to escape. Iwil did not give pursuit, instead he brought his commlink towards his jaw and spoke. “Let the Zabrak go. Get a tracker on his ship.” The Imperial knight stated firmly as he watched Tarak get closer to his ship. He did not know where this warrior was fleeing too, but if he attempted to make a run for the surface of Coruscant he’d surely be tailed by Imperium forces. Though this newly arrived fleet may have drawn some attention away from the bold Sith’s arrival. With a flicker of both Iwil deactivated his two weapons as he stood amongst the rubble from their rapid encounter.