[centre][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200811/c802a2a752c578d0f805f671f917484f.png[/img][/centre] [hider=Roe'mynn, the Dexterous Nomad][centre][hr][img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/23/ae/48/23ae488fa9688c6d656ef3f540b09d30.png[/img] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200811/9b10f333e1857ef0d109f4fbf495b7c4.png[/img] [hr][/centre] [color=1FD867][b]Name:[/b][/color] [color=Silver]Roe'mynn[/color] [color=1FD867][b]Age:[/b][/color] [color=Silver]18[/color] [color=1FD867][b]Appearance:[/b][/color] [color=Silver]As 5'8" a, loosely built man with a semi-raggedy look, Roe'mynn doesn't come across as the individual he is. Though lean, he doesn't showcase much muscle visually and looks rather average. Long umber hair drapes down to the back of his neck and circumnavigates his ears, all the while being generally ignored in style and ruffled to a untouched, virginal manner. Almost as if it were coated with flickers of dirt, his skin is a slight tone darker than being completely pale. And, though out of place, a feature of common interest seems to be his hazel-emerald blend in his iris, adding a splash of colour to his eyes. However, his complexion is rather sweet, smoothed by the gift of youth. When it comes to his attire, Roe'mynn tends to keep himself lightly clad, as to not weigh himself down.[/color] [color=1FD867][b]Personality:[/b][/color] [color=Silver] Unlike some adventurers, Roe'mynn can come across as a constrained young man with little input on life. However, with quick realisation, one would discover that he acts more as a person who puts value in blessings of the day, and the spoils of the night. Honour is not a concept he holds close to heart nor does he think of it as a pathway to solidarity. His upbringing taught him of present troubles to the civics of prosperous lands. An underbelly always exists - those who know of its cynical reality can learn to survive before others can. Regardless of him bordering cynicism, Roe'mynn can detach himself and become a rather cheerful individual, someone who enjoys the company of others on his travels and covertly depends on it for meaning. For he does not live life to achieve reward, as there is no goal for Roe'mynn to ascertain. He lives as days go past, hoping that the next chapter in his years would give him something to hold onto dearly.[/color] [color=1FD867][b]Background:[/b][/color] [color=Silver] And when civilisation returns, building kingdoms, towns and cities to house its people, there is always a group separated by culture. Nomadic, yet familial, the Wyandurah People were a small, closely tied community that moved by foot and hoof. In search of [i]something[/i], a select few individuals lead the group through the northernmost regions above Ahmeryca, where their origins are loosely connected to. These were the people that housed the birth of Roe'mynn, second son to the third collective of the tribe. Life was always met with great difficulty as their greatest foe surrounded them at every second: the unforgiving world of nature's climate. The people, however, were not pushovers. Roe'mynn was brought up on the virtues of resilience, a testimony to their generations of survival. As per the civil roles, Roe'mynn was brought up as a defender, a child who trained vigorously to ensure that the people remained safe from threats. He was by no means a hunter, but a few times had proven the value of arming oneself. Specifically, he seemed to gain great proficiency with polearms, coupled with his natural dexterity. Eventually, he upgraded to a light, versatile glaive, shorter than most of its counterparts. Quick with his hands, all the while calculated and precise in where he landed his hits, all Roe'mynn knew was how to stay on the move and look out for the families that enlisted his help. Life became not about individuality, but the effort of the group and the housing of affectionate company. The community cared about each other and did everything within their powers to maintain their numbers if danger arose. As long as they kept moving in almost senseless directions, they could keep their eyes on the food they needed and maintain their course from settlement. He trained from the moment he hit eight, and upon reaching the age of thirteen he saw his first encounter with the fabled creatures of the wild - the destructive prowlers that lurked in the mythos of Ahmeryca. And whilst he never fought them during the encounter, he used his nimbleness to whatever commands his elders gave him, be it distraction or supply movement. Following that day, he soon encountered something unexpected - his Eidolon. On the banks of Ahmeryca, during a torrential rainstorm, Roe'mynn was separated from the nomads. Traditions of his family kept him alive for the first day, until he stumbled upon the spirit that would alter his life's journey for good. Initially, Roe'mynn tried to kill it, seeing it as a monster distorted by the feats of its past. The Eidolon immediately took a liking to the young boy's tenacity to stick a sharp blade into it, eventually wearing him down overtime through a light pursuit. Roe'mynn never understood why the creature took a liking to him, as if it were reading his thoughts or heart before his actions. After much exhaustion, the Eidolon spoke to him and catered for his safety until the rainstorm passed two days later. Compliant with his company, Roe'mynn offered it the opportunity to accompany him back to the nomadic people, as he believed it'd proved itself as an asset of survival. This was a poor choice, of course. When they eventually crossed paths, the Wyandurah People were mortified at the implication of the boy accepting the influence of the creature, and thus in an act of rage he was exiled westward, toward the shore, and told to find the community that would take him for what he was. Three years have passed now. Roe'mynn doesn't have a community. He roams between towns within the Kingdom of E'lyzahbyeth from time to time, sometimes doing jobs, sometimes getting into hassles with low-end authorities, all with the Eidolon in close proximity. His lonesome travels have allowed him to further his polearm and glaive skillset, creating an independent young man with a grim view on the places he came from. One day, a great star flushed through the night sky. And when word spread of Elders looking for young talent to investigate its occurrence, Roe'mynn was amongst the first to put his name forward - not because of the promised wealth, the spoils of honour or the chance to see the outside world, but because he wanted a sense of purpose again.[/color] [color=1FD867][b]Skills:[/b][/color] [list][*][color=1FD867][i]Polearms[/i][/color] - [color=Silver]Specifically with the glaive, Roe'mynn has spent extensive and apt amounts of his childhood honing his ability with weapons of the class. Having a sharp blade postured into the body of a staff finds itself as the perfect combination, scaling it down ever so slightly to account for his smaller stature. Though they can prove tedious and burdensome in tight spaces, unlike a dagger or shortsword, his nimble fingers and accurate handiwork does its best to negate the troubles of his innate choice of martial fighting.[/color] [*][color=1FD867][i]Judicious Dexterity[/i][/color] - [color=Silver]From childhood, he always expressed a talent for his hands. Whether its with working on small mechanisms, threading needles or twirling poles between his fingers, Roe'mynn is proud of the handiwork he can commit to. It proves useful in a lot of situations, such as climbing, as well as any hand-based work.[/color] [*][color=1FD867][i]Nomadic[/i][/color] - [color=Silver]Being a nomad isn't just a status of constant movement. It's a lifestyle, in which survival is tested on the daily; where communities have to work together to provide for one another. Food, water, clothing, logistics and protection are the main pillars of a stable community. Rationing, improvised warmth and temporary shelters are menial work that he can provide to a small group of travellers alongside him.[/color][/list] [color=1FD867][b]Gear:[/b][/color] [list][*][url=https://i.pinimg.com/originals/fc/a0/0a/fca00a5808fe84519aa4f03714d1410f.jpg][i]Short Glaive[/i][/url] - [color=Silver]Though the weapon itself was considered a relic of the past, the high-carbon spring steel polearm, acts as a sturdy improvement over wooden counterparts, capable of bending and stretching itself whilst maintaining its strength.[/color] [*][url=https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/6198K0gCtDL._AC_SL1500_.jpg][i]Tanto Boot Knife[/i][/url] - [color=Silver]Boot knives, doubling up for hunting and light craftwork, act as common emergency weapons for dire circumstances.[/color] [*][url=https://i.pinimg.com/736x/28/d5/88/28d588e1904479cff9d54efd5666a0f1.jpg][i]Attire[/i][/url] - [color=Silver]Still rooted within the nomadic clothing he grew up with, layers of scarfs, light jackets and cloth act as protection from the elements and remove the hindrance of weight during combat. Occasionally decorated with belts, wraps, straps and fur, sitting atop of toe-capped boots and cargo trousers.[/color] [*][color=1FD867][i]Travel Pack[/i][/color] - [color=Silver]Stored dry meat and grain foods. Two clean cloths. Small canteen and a whetstone.[/color] [/list] [hr] [centre][img]https://cache.desktopnexus.com/thumbseg/2100/2100285-bigthumbnail.jpg[/img] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200811/69ee17389f4cfdc951167ddfdedd8864.png[/img][/centre] [hr] [color=1FD867][b]Name:[/b][/color] [color=Silver]Aurin[/color] [color=1FD867][b]Appearance:[/b][/color] [color=Silver]Aurin appears as a transparent otter, glistening with an angelic, ethereal-like effect. Though transparent, with no discernible endoskeleton, Aurin does appear to be a living manifestation. Anyone can touch him and feel the cloud-like furry goodness of its spirited coat. Despite looking like a ghost, it cannot pass through solid objects, but it does seem to ignore gravity and floats around freely without too much restriction.[/color] [color=1FD867][b]Abilities:[/b][/color][list][*][color=1FD867][i]Strong Gusts[/i][/color] - [color=Silver]As a creature of wind, Aurin acts as a defensive and evasive Eidolon. Using quick, widespread gales, it can try to push back nearby opponents, or enough to stagger them, giving Roe'mynn more space to work with.[/color] [*][color=1FD867]Concentrated Airburst[/color] - [color=Silver]Instead of spreading the gusts around a wider area, Aurin can concentrate its windpower to more precise areas, or singular directions, which allows for greater precision. Creatively, it acts as a way to deflect specific targets, or to throw Roe'mynn at slightly extended distances for lunging at targets, dodging attacks or traversing terrain. However, due to the nature of its concentration, Aurin appears to get tired out a lot quicker when doing so.[/color][/list] [/hider] Here's my submission character sheet! Let me know if there's any problems with it so I can work on corrections