He gazed down into the depths of his wine glass, allowing the swirling, fragrant crimson to fill his narrow range of vision and distract him from all which occurred around him, save music. His ears were filled with it - a young woman was exhibiting at the pianoforte in the opposite corner and his mind was far, far away. Of course, he didn't know enough about the art form to be able to determine if her technique was correct, but she wanted for nothing when it came to sheer emotion. He felt every twist and turn and rise and fall very nearly in his soul. And then it ended. He was brought stumbling back to reality as applause and chatter filled the place where gentle notes had once been, and he lifted his head to gaze suddenly around as though awakened violently from a pleasant dream. All about him were people paired off in twos and threes with friends and acquaintances, while he stood mostly by himself in the far corner of the room. It was often so at parties and balls such as this - he never approached anyone unless secure of previous acquaintance, and no one ever requested an introduction of him. And why should they? The most interesting thing about him was that he was an Earl, and even that was mostly mitigated by the fact that his face nearly always assumed an unintentionally bored or vaguely angered expression. His gaze shifted absently over the crowd of onlookers as he waited for another young woman to assume the bench, though it came suddenly to rest upon a certain figure nearby. His eye lingered briefly upon her for she seemed to his memory somewhat familiar...But he looked quickly away again a moment later as her own gaze lifted to meet his. How shameful! To be caught staring openly! His mouth became a thin, straight line and he cleared his throat with obvious discomfort, his eyes fixed once more upon his untouched glass of wine. ------- Hey there! My name is Fable and I'm seeking likeminded individuals to assist me in the writing of Historical Fiction set during the Regency/Georgian period! I roleplay mainly on a forum, but the community is small and fun, and there are many opportunities for both one-on-one and small group threads! My latest character is a socially-awkward Earl in need of a conniving sister, a thoroughly [i]dis[/i]interested love interest, and a best friend who is his complete opposite. My ideas for him include numerous, potentially hilarious misadventures, so if this sounds like something you'd be interested in please find me on Discord! Fable#9105