[center][h2][color=f49ac2]Vivian[/color] [color=a2d39c]&[/color] [color=bc8dbf]Sylvia[/color] [color=a2d39c]Altissima[/color][/h2][/center] [quote=Neil] "Thanks, you two. I've been trying to find help in this endeavor of mine so I'm glad you two offered. If there's anything I can do for you two... although, please don't expect too much. I'm not exactly... not exactly a man of talents. B-But I'll do my best, I guarantee you that. Well, our break's almost over. Time to get going and back into the fray. Ah, I know. Once we're done helping and after I've asked RiƱas about the other-dimensions thing, why don't we... wander around a bit? See what else the festival offers. Maybe grab a bite or two. It'll be like a date. Uhh, by 'date' I mean... well, not that kind of 'date' but, uhh..." [/quote] Realizing the awkward situation that Neil had landed them in, Vivian forced a laugh, [color=f49ac2]"Haha! How can it be a [b]date[/b] when there's three of us, right?"[/color] She nudged her sister with an elbow. [color=bc8dbf]"Err, th-that's right, you can't date both of us, that would be...philandering, wouldn't it? So obviously it wouldn't be a date, it would be something much more casual and not at all stressful..."[/color] Sylvia stuttered the words out, grateful to have this opportunity to spend time with Neil, while Vivian made it less awkward. [color=bc8dbf]"Maybe we should go get some food first, then. There's got to be some good food at the competition, and we can reconvene with some of our guildmates."[/color] The mention of the competition immediately deflated Vivian, who cast a tired, but accusatory glance at her sister. Moaning weakly, Vivian then leaned into Sylvia, putting her head on her sister's shoulder, and slowly slid her face down until Vivian's face was planted deeply into Sylvia's chest. [sub][color=f49ac2]"...I did this for you..."[/color][/sub] She muttered, almost inaudibly. Unsure what to do, Sylvia hugged Vivian and patted her on the head, and whispered [color=bc8dbf]"Th-thanks, Vivian, I owe you big."[/color]