Rynn stared at the ceiling, watching as moonlight danced across the dusty floorboards and illuminated the motes floating through the air. She breathed out a sigh and rolled over, pillowing her head on her forearm. As much as she hated to admit it, the group was doing better than she thought. She had been expecting to already be behind schedule, and while being on time was certainly a good thing, she didn't want to admit that she had misjudged them. At least on the surface. If they stayed this way, it might be possible to reach the Underground by the end of the week. Hopefully any trails would still be fresh at that point. Ever since the Dark Dagger had gone missing, Rynn had ran through every possible scenario she could think of. Most came to a dead-end, as they were simply impossible. Others seemed far from likely. If she knew [i]why[/i] the thief had taken the dagger . . . But she couldn't tell if it was simply for a profit, or if the thief knew more about its power than her own family. Either way, she had to get it back.