[hr][hr][center][h2][color=#B22222]Cassiopeia Hood[/color][/h2][img]https://em.wattpad.com/c0b35f6260c1f1e9ae030ffd58af91f10126e55c/68747470733a2f2f73332e616d617a6f6e6177732e636f6d2f776174747061642d6d656469612d736572766963652f53746f7279496d6167652f6e5f7149346a7564365766616d773d3d2d3531393037383339332e313530376138373732343333316562613930303136313337393236332e676966[/img][hr][color=#B22222]Location:[/color] Forest Outside Camelot [color=#B22222]Skills:[/color] [hr][hr][/center] Cassiopeia did a little turn for her sister so she could see the whole outfit and grinned at her. [color=#B22222]"Very Robin Hood hey?”[/color] She looked at Merlin as he explained that they would contact their parents once they were at his tower. Well, that answered that question. Merlin performed a quick spot of magic and she watched as Artemis’s cat carrier was changed to a wicker looking basket and she chuckled a little as he protested before sneezing. [color=#B22222]”Seems Arty is allergic to magic,”[/color] she joked. Cassiopeia gathered the cat up before following the group led by Merlin down the path. She smiled over at Rose, pleased to see the girl chose to walk beside her. Cassiopeia laughed a little and shrugged. [color=#B22222]”It may be possible. I wonder how much of the stories we grew up with are actually real. Grimms brothers and all.”[/color] Cassiopeia looked around at their surroundings as they walked. It looked like a normal wood to her, with familiar looking trees and landscaping, even though they were in a completely different world. Ahead of them, Cassiopeia spotted a carriage but from the looks of it, it was travelling away from them. [color=#B22222]”Is this the main road?”[/color] She looked at Merlin, wondering if they should be travelling on a main road; especially, with a group as large and new as theirs. [hr][hr][center][h2][color=#F08080]Willow Jones[/color][/h2][img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/b9/ba/44/b9ba4446b16347b3a4afb214dd5205f4.gif[/img][hr][color=#F08080]Location:[/color] Forest Outside Camelot [color=#F08080]Skills:[/color] [hr][hr][/center] The bags the others carried transformed, including pet carriers and Willow smiled in amazement at such a simple thing. She pulled on her backpack and caught up to walk beside Merlin. [color=#F08080]”Do we all possess magic? Or are certain people gifted?”[/color] It was like that in the movies and stories but Willow hardly believed any of this would be real, so who really knew what the rules were like. Willow felt a bit more comfortable walking in an unknown wood being beside Merlin and asking questions. When her mind was active, taking in new information and translating it, she felt more in control of her emotions. Of course she understood this to be a coping mechanism but in the unusual situation she was in, she was okay with using a crutch.