"I read your file." Josh said with a bit of a sneer, he didn't look to Benjamin, he kept his eyes on Dia. Dia watched Josh closely as she moved to grip Benjamins' arm. "He's gong to help us." She said out loud, narrowing her eyes as she watched Josh step forward, stepping towards them, before he walked past with a wave of his hand without another word. Dia waited for a moment before following Josh with Benjamin, looking towards her friend with a small frown. She leaned towards him to whisper as they walked along. [i]"Josh isn't... Human."[/i] She started, [i]"I think [b]he's[/b] the reason I'm tangible."[/i] [hr] Sara smiled as Marc as he talked about leaving if it gets too noisey for her. No one had ever done that for her. She looked ahead with a large grin on her face as they walked along, she held her body straight and high for once. She found herself tightening her grip happily around Marcs' hand. "Thank you." She said without looking at him, "Thank you for taking me at face value. For not judging me, at least not out loud."