[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/sGiJTcl.png[/img][/center][@jujube] Before anyone could answer Antoinetta's question, some total klutz burst in and tumbled right into her. [color=7cff30]"Waaugh!"[/color] She toppled to the floor in a rather less than elegant heap. So much for first impressions. A point that a nearby Munchlax drove home, its laughter filling the room. Netty's cheeks burned Razz berry red. [color=7cff30]"Hey! Watch where you're going!"[/color] she huffed, straightening her hat and propping herself up. Mellona, hovering above the two, glared down. Not at the clumsy newcomer, but at her trainer. "Beeeee!" the Combee scolded, swooping down and whipping up a mini-Gust that swept the red beret right off of Antoinetta's head. Fuming, Netty caught the hat and placed it back on her mussed hair. [color=7cff30]"Great way to help the situation."[/color] She stood with a sigh, dusting off her dress. Why had Mellona chided her and not the other girl? Surely the klutz was the one in the wrong? Still, Antoinetta held out a hand to help up the girl - Zaria, as her name badge read. [color=7cff30]"You ok, at least? You really should be more careful."[/color] Ok, she supposed she got Mel's point. She knew how nerve-wracking fears of lateness were. Even so, couldn't Zaria have arrived with a little more finesse? [hider=Notes] [b]PP:[/b] 2 [b]Pokemon Team:[/b] [list][*] Combee (Mellona), lv10[/list] [b]Pokemon in PC:[/b] [b]Items:[/b][/hider]