[h2]Saber of Red[/h2] As intriguing as her Master's assembly of maids was, Saber [i]had[/i] hoped to be able to show her abilities... she might not be expected as a Saber, after all, but that didn't mean she couldn't have beautiful swordsmanship! Though since they were all expecting to go into the forest... the delay didn't matter so much. It wasn't like her Master would be able to [i]see[/i] any of it through the trees--and there was quite the risk of things catching fire. If there was one thing that she was quite eager to avoid, it was accidentally burning down a city. Instead, she was quite happy to go along with her Master's desire to examine cute girls. Perhaps a little monomaniacal on the dress sense but otherwise, quite the admirable goal! And at least, as in this case, she could recognise where it would be less than appropriate. "You're right, the uniform would be wasted on this one... putting an attractive girl like this in a maid uniform would be completely wrong. Perhaps a butler? It would play to her strengths more whilst retaining the same theme." [hr] [h2]Charname Avilone[/h2] Why was she surrounded by the crazy ones...? Her employer was a big enough headache, even before that blonde had been summoned and--rather than being some noble hero that would reign her in--only encouraged this. That girl from the weird beauty-obsessed family--at least she [i]wasn't[/i] the type to be called cute, which was a small mercy--was around, too. Then there was her own Servant... icing on the cake, really: this one was the class known [i]entirely[/i] for its madness. But she couldn't even get lucky there and get an actual [i]berserker.[/i] No, it was a nurse. At least her job was being made easier for the moment--her charge was staying back fro the actual fight, even if for ridiculous reasons, and her Servant was of greatest use kept out of the battle until her talents were needed. Maybe they could get through the entire war this way and she [i]wouldn't[/i] need to try and be a bodyguard with these superpowered monsters around...