These are the thirty-eight rules I follow. BEFORE I GO INTO THE RULES I WANT TO ENSURE EVERYONE THAT I HAVE A NO GODMOD/POWERPLAY POLICY!!! If you don't like this then I suggest you don't become a part of my RP. The first sentence was only typed in caps to prove a point. I will warn you that I know about every form of powerplay and godmod in the book. Even ways people didn't think were possible. Do either will get you booted from this RP and you only get one warning for doing it. [hider=Rules are as follows:]Rule 1: My ultimate Golden Rule is that you do not powerplay. What is powerplay you ask? Powerplay is the emergence of someone who tries to auto-hit someone's character while trying to auto-avoid their attacks or is either auto-avoiding and auto-hitting. This is not limited to just ignoring their attacks. This includes automatic usage of powerful techniques that are scaled as ougis or supermoves. The automatic usage of supermoves without meeting the requirements given is violating my rule of NO POWERPLAY and this will get a warning only once. If I have to warn you again then you are removed from the RP. Trying to set your character up so they can auto-use supermoves is godmodding and the two work together quite well; therefore, I'm going to be a stickler about both. This is my no OROCHI creating policy. Also trying to auto-evade and saying your attacks miss is powerplay and again not acceptable nor is it cool. No one wants to participate with someone who hates to lose. I am the same way. Respect everyone's characters and respect the rules on what classifies as powerplaying and godmodding and do not do either of them. When you hit a character you are NOT allowed to auto-kill. Again, not Fonz cool and a form of powerplay. Auto-injuring a character is NOT Fonz cool either so don't even think about that one. Another form of powerplay that isn't always seen is someone trying to avoid attacks all the time. Not in this RP, just like anybody, your mortal body has limits and you can't just avoid every move like if it were a spar. Any attack with infinite attack power or defense power is powerplay and is therefore not allowed. Weapons that block all attacks or accessories that do the same is powerplay. The same applies with magic that tries to block everything. NOT ALLOWED DUE TO POWERPLAY!!! As far as auto-injuring is concerned and meta-gaming: You may not associate inflicting injuries to activation of supermoves including self injuring. I don't mind auto-injuring as long as it is yourself; however, (Yourself only!!!! Unless other person gives you permission to auto-injure their character and you may NOT auto-kill them!) as long as it doesn't entitle a person to automatically activate their ougi. It isn't fair to anyone else, but as long as you don't associate your ougis with your auto-injuring of yourself then I'm fine with it. Out of Bounds Rule: What is the Out of Bounds Rule, you ask? It is when a person attempts to add features that weren't previously announced in prior posts. These are subject to out of bounds and this rule means that all actions, objects, people, ect. that are going to be additions during battles in such must be announced before hand. Remember: It's the little actions that sometimes can determine who wins or loses provided the person is paying close attention to the posts. Make absolutely sure that you do not abuse the Out of Bounds Rule. Just like in football, someone on the sidelines cannot tackle the ball carrier or it's a penalty. You're subject to the same penalty here as well. Keep that in mind. The Out of Bounds Rule prevents the most common form of powerplay and makes everything fair for everyone else. Rule 2: No Godmodding which is not just limited to inference no characters that are invincible or invulnerable. They can be invulnerable to some aspects, but they must also be vulnerable to other things. You will NOT create a character that can survive a nuclear bombardment "WITH THE EXCEPTION OF CHARACTERS THAT HAVE NO INFLUENCE OR MINIMAL INFLUENCE IN THE RP I.E. any deity or Cinis" otherwise I will smite into the bloodied surface it tread upon its existence. Other forms of godmodding are automatically editing characters without my permission or other participants any features that would be used to determine how they fair in battle. Editing stats without meeting requirements or permission is godmodding and you will be removed without any warning. The reason is because I HATE more out of anything CHEATERS. You WILL NOT CHEAT!!! Other forms of godmodding are not just limited toward that. Editing the powers of your character or changing their power without permission is also godmodding and is NOT acceptable. Trying to create any world/Universe or what not without my permission will warrant an immediate permanent ban. You are NOT GM of this RP and if you are NOT Co-GM then you are NOT allowed to either of the two. Both are powerplaying and invoking powers of omnipotence. This means trying to be THE GOD of this RP which you are NOT. I'm not saying I'm the God of this RP so I'm going to be fair and just about my decisions. Trying to steal another person's ability via any other means than defeating them is godmodding and is not allowed. Trying to use anyone else's abilities without permission is also godmodding. Trying to use abilities and spam them constantly without regard to consequence is also godmodding. Trying to continuously take on hordes of enemies or constantly using ohko type attacks is also godmodding. Characters that would die from fatal injuries and somehow miraculously survive them without permission is also godmodding. Auto-healing or trying to auto-resurrect yourself are also forms of godmodding. Attempting to make an element or object that isn't practical or part of the RP without permission also falls under the godmod category. Attempting to create weapons that aren't practical and make you invincible is also godmodding. Using any weapon that attempts powerplay such as auto-evading, auto-hitting or auto-killing is also godmodding. Controlling characters that are not your own without permission is godmodding. Controlling a character's emotions by any means other than practical is godmodding. Using healative and regenerative abilities which I'll go over below this without proper restraint is godmodding. Control of a character's actions, mind or personality via anything other than practical means is godmodding. Creating weapons that auto-heal, auto-resurrect or auto-regenerate is godmodding. Attempting to put thoughts into a character's mind in an attempt to control their emotions is attempting to control fate and is godmodding. You will NOT think, speak or act for someone else's character without their permission. Attempting to prevent a character to move from any other means than practical is godmodding. Traveling at the speed of light on any kind of object without consequence is godmodding. There's a reason they call it "godspeed" so just don't do it. Control of time without practical means is also godmodding. Controlling another character's attacks other than practical means is godmodding. My key point is: NO GODMODDING AT ALL!!! Unless you can do it, don't do it all. Such characters will face judgment and certain annihilation. The only characters that can godmod are the spirits of this Universe. Their influence is minimal so you won't need to concern yourselves with them. They will talk to certain characters and guide them along the way. At times they may allow you to enter the Astral Plane. Any other characters may not at any time godmod. The spirits rule this Universe not you so you are not allowed to take their own power into your own hands. Rule 3: Healative and regenerative abilities are somewhat limited. What I mean by that is they can only do so much without actually killing the person. Severe injuries cannot be healed automatically and require a course of time to pass before they heal. Limbs that are lost in battle cannot be regenerated automatically and take time to recover. Losing a finger and regenerating in seconds is fine, but if you lose an arm it will take you time to regenerate it if you have regenerative powers. Both healative and regenerative powers subject characters to tremendous strain which can be lethal. If you overuse either abilities it can mean certain death and no one is exempt from the rule. You may only regenerate or heal if you have those abilities. Only certain races have the abilities so keep that in mind. Rule 4: You will not derail the synopsis. This means you will not add random fillers without my or Co-GMs permission. You will keep the train on the correct rail and you may only change rails if it is absolutely necessary. Derailing the plot without notification or without permission will result in disciplinary action up to and including expulsion from the RP. Rule 5: I will warn you if you get in over your head and try to become the underdog too much that you will eventually regret it. I don't mind doing sometimes, but if you go taking on a villain character without properly being strong enough to take them will result in certain death for your character. I will not warn you what such actions result in. So do choose your fights wisely unless you have a death wish. Rule 6: There will be no manipulating or stealing control of another person's character without their consent and while under your control if given permission you may not decide their fate or anyone else character's fate unless they said it is all right. All character's fates are decided by the original creator and I will trust you in your decisions when you decide your fates for your characters. Rule 7: Keep in mind that no character is immune from death and that any attempt to avoid a fatal occurrence will result in the destruction of your character without further notice. Rule 8: Do not be a douchebag and attack other people's characters randomly if you know your character is going to respond in force. Give that person a chance to change their post by warning them of the hostility of your character and see if they are okay with it. If they are then there are no objections on my part. If they aren't, allow them to change their post. Rule 9: I will remind participants that we will play by the rules of physics as much as we can and that characters eventually get exhausted from prolong fighting and battling. Fatigue is your worst enemy and fighting hordes of enemies can result in certain death if you are not careful. Like any normal being, you can only do so much until you are overwhelmed so keep that in mind. Rule 10: Characters that have their head dismembered are automatically killed. There is no way to survive a decapitation and any character caught doing so will be smited. I don't think I need to tell you to be realistic about this world. Rule 11: There will be no stealing of mine or anyone else's media. That means do not take credit for what doesn't belong to you. That includes images you borrow from reference sites as a way to display what your character looks like. Any information that is taken aside from images should be credited toward the source. It is not your media so don't try to take credit for it. Rulel 12: I require people to be active during this RP. I have a three day waiting period before the RP continues without you. That means you have exactly a three day deadline to post unless something that has come up that won't allow you to post. Let me know in advance please! That way I can manage the RP in your absence. You may decide what to do with your character and I will not control or give someone else control of your character without your written consent. Long sabbaticals that are over a week you should probably find someone who will take control of your character in your absence. Rule 13: Unless you a co-GM or if I've given you the permission to do so, you will NOT control NPCs. Control of NPCs without permission is automatic ban from my RP without a question! Rule 14: Please make your sentences make sense. I'm not overly strict about spelling, but if we can't read it then I may have to take disciplinary measures as not to hurt the RP. I understand some people are dyslexic and I don't discriminate against that. Just do the best you can is all I ask. Grammatical errors as long as they aren't too severe are fine with me. Though punctuation such as capitalization at the beginning and a punctuation mark at the end I will insist you use. Rule 15: You may not belittle or ridicule Co-GMs. If you are caught you will be removed from the RP. Rule 16: You may not disrespect the GM of this RP. Indignation from the sky will fall upon those who dare try! Rule 17: I am GM so all ideas must be approved by me before I'll allow them in this RP. That includes additional add-ons that aren't originally a part of this RP. Rule 18: Supernatural powers must be logical or your character faces destruction. What I mean by this is logical in sense toward superhero wikipedia but that does not entitle you toward any form of omnipotence or anything along those lines. Ask before you use any form of ability so that we have a chance to approve it or red flag it. NO EXCEPTIONS!! Rule 19: Spamming, flaming or any other nonsense that does not belong in the RP will be removed. I will ask the staff of this site for assistance if I have a problem with trolls or people who want to harass people. Rule 20: NO IMPERSONATING A CHARACTER without permission. Unless you have permission, don't do it. I will enforce this rule at all times! Rule 21: No starting random fights or holding up an RP out of your personal amusement or since you are bored. If you are bored, go do something else more productive than try to cause havoc in my RP. Rule 22: Interrupting an RP or attempting to join an RP through the IC will result in automatic ban. Rule 23: Read all posts and acknowledge all people who talk to your character(s) in the RP. Do not ignore people, that is rude. Rule 24: Be calm and composed. Remember, be cool just like Fonz. (Took the line from Mahz LOL) Rule 25: All disagreements non-RP related are to be taken to PM please! Rule 26: I will warn that nuking the field constantly is a recipe for disaster. Anyone or anything in the radius will be affected by the nuke attack and that includes allies. Best be cautious about when you use attacks that damage by AoE. Rule 27: Using magical power does eat away at your lifeforce. In order to use a technique/spell you must sacrifice your lifeforce and constant usage of magic will result in fatigue to even fatality. Use your techniques/spells with care. Rule 28 Races that cannot use magic innately, can gain the ability via other means. One suggestion I will make is that you give them an Egis or magical accessory/weapon. Rule 29: I have say in everything whether it be suggestions, advice, resolving problems ect. I expect you to respect that since I am GM and you will not backseat GM or mod my RP without my or other Co-GMs permission. My decision is final and I'm not trying to be a total bitch about it. I just want to make your RP experience along with other players as enjoyable as possible. Just like Judge Judy, all decisions are final and are not open for debate. Meaning you do not outrank me and that you should respect me as GM and the powers I've given you as a Co-GM. Any influence that results in people losing interest in my RP from any Co-GM will result in them losing their Co-GM status. There will be no warning. Being a Co-GM is a privilege not an obligation so keep that in mind. I don't expect you to agree with all my decisions and just want you to respect the choices I make since no one is a true perfectionist and not even I am perfect. Rule 30: This one happens quite a bit and is a headache to deal with. There will be no making "my character" better than yours AFTER YOU'VE FINISHED YOUR CS, because you're a sour puss. Do NOT submit your CS until you feel satisfied with it. I will NOT allow you to make any changes that will affect the performance of your character. I'm just telling you guys, don't have me look at them and say they are okay until you are completely finished with them. Because once they are done, you will NOT make any changes other than ones that do not impact how your character performs in battle. No one likes sore losers nor do they want to RP with them. Accept your losses or disadvantages in fights. Do NOT try to make up for this with adding abilities that aren't associated toward your character and apply them to your character. This will result in a warning and if it gets out of hand removal from the RP. I'm sick and tired of people trying to make a character that is unstoppable and trying to find ways to loophole and as a result I will NO longer TOLERATE it. You DO NOT need to make the occurrence of I'm going to make my "character" better than your character so work with what you have. Everyone is subject to the disappointment of defeat and trying to best characters stronger than you by means other than practical is considered powerplay and is not accepted. If your stats are greatly at a disadvantage and you say you damaged a character when the equation equals 0 damage, you will be warned of powerplay. If you continue to ignore the warning then I will have to remove you from the RP. Be fair and courteous toward other players and don't try to destroy the synopsis or ruin the original story, because you hate to lose. Rule 31: I'm also going to warn about this and I will only do it once toward the individual or individuals responsible: "If I have an occurrences of "I hit you" and other person says "no you didn't" nonstop with no resolution I do not need to tell you how I'm going to handle it since this is childish and very unacceptable behavior. I will do my best and I ask others to do the same to referee fights and to ensure NO ONE is avoiding every single one of someone's attacks. This is how this crap all starts anyway. You will be fair toward everyone else in battle. I do NOT want to even have to get involved in a sour puss of playing tag type of incident. Rule 32: As far as character sheets are involved, your personality MUST and I stress the word "must" be "at least a half a paragraph in length." Four short five word sentences will NOT pass! Where I know people have places they need to improve on, I just ask you to do your best. If you need help, I'm here to help if needed. Also, all biographies MUST and again I stress the word "must" be "at least one and a half paragraphs in length." If you need help then just ask. I'm always here to answer questions or help you with something. You MAY NOT choose any race that I haven't listed in the races list. If the race is in the "not being added" list then those are unselectable races at this time. You may only have "one" omni-elemental character and there will be a limit to how many "omni-elemental" characters I'll allow. Rule 33: When you post in the IC, you must at least and I will stress "must" again, one paragraph at minimum though I'd prefer at least two if possible. One-liners will get you booted from the RP as they are hard to build the story from. Rule 34: If you are a Children of the Eclipse/Ancient you will have to cause a fatal injury while in your mortal form to take on your demigod form. While in your demigod form, you are immune to aging and natural illnesses. That does NOT include status effects! I'm basically treating your demigod form sort of like your Shinigami form in Bleach. Only difference, is you have to sacrifice yourself to achieve your demigod form. While your demigod form grants you immense power, if you are destroyed in it you are erased from existence. In other words, not even rebirth can bring you back. Is it permanent? No, you can always return to your body and your injuries will auto-heal like they weren't even there. I know it sounds kind martyr like, but I think this is the best way to handle this. Just like any mortal form, you can die in your demigod form so be careful. Rule 35: Only Children of the Eclipse/Ancients can achieve a demigod state. Some races have a state that is similar to demigod form, but is quite different in respect to the terms. Rule 36: You are not allowed to take the Phaedrian/Midarian pure energy form until further notice. If you choose the Phaedrian race then you can still be the race, but the "pure energy" form is restricted and it is not being allowed by me at this time due to it's a form of godmodding. Rule 37: If you choose to be "omni-elemental" then you must also choose an elemental weakness. This is so it is fair to everyone. Those who do not utilize magic or don't have supernatural powers can N/A for "not available" for both "element" and "weakness". Note: I'm only allowing one other person to use omni-elemental aside form alphakoka and there will be only four omni-elemental main characters in this RP![/hider]