[center][img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/9f868d60-9a0b-4db3-a097-126db95acae8.gif[/img] [h1][color=fff257]Acion Nakamiji[/color][/h1][hr][/center] Kinoko had then recognized Acion after a while. So his memories wasn't wrong. His black blob form was too unique to miss. Where did he come across this nice lad in the past... [color=fff257]"Oh yeah, I was wondering what was the place myself."[/color] Acion was smiling as Kinoko mentioned exactly what he was searching for. [color=fff257]"Right, Monoyama. Yeah I asked if I can have something to give, but I didn't expect both my parents to all jump in on it so wholeheartedly. But then again, they don't really live a materialistic lifestyle."[/color] His family are rich people, but unlike many they lived quite a spiritual life. Not just contributing to society with their own wealth, but also literally being very spiritual. They prayed to ancestors at their altar quite often, more than Acion found it necessary. Trips to the family's private cemetery were more often as well. But hey, no one said it is a bad way to live life. [color=fff257]"Ahaha, I would argue otherwise that I just grew taller. Also these things kinda gave out that feeling of largeness."[/color] Acion responded as he opened all six of his wings a little bit out carefully not to hit anyone, before retracting them back around his sides. If anything, Acion was considered lightweight for his height. It's just that the way he was designed gave him that daunting impression. [color=fff257]"Thanks."[/color] He took the can of soda materialized from Kinoko and easily tabbed the can of soda. Taking a sip before Kinoko asked about why he was here. Well, it's bound to come up at some point anyway. It's a special class in a normal school after all. [color=fff257]"...I hate to say it, but I'm here ONLY for the hero course. Reason being..."[/color] He tilted his head a little, staring to the window near him for a brief few seconds, trying to articulate his thoughts. Saying that he broke the law so he got rejected wouldn't sound nice to the ears. Of course it had been for a good thing, but it's still the law. And people could interpret that differently than he does. [color=fff257]"Let's just say I was inadvertently pulled into a fight, and that kind of stained my application. It sucks that it happened quite recently, so the schools were quite shy to take a student with this kind of record. So here I am."[/color] [color=fff257]"How about you?"[/color] Acion turned to ask the girl next to him, whom he noticed she struggled to open that soda can due to her magnetic arm. He tried to steer clear of anything having to do with that physicality of hers, making it a little bit light-hearted. [color=fff257]"If you're ok with talking about it. I hope it's not as dramatic as mine."[/color] [@Silver Carrot][@Lucius Cypher]