[hr][color=0054a6][sup][h1] [center][img]https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BNzgyY2E1NDEtYjI0OS00MTI2LWI4ZGYtNTE1ZTM0NWZmYzMxXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNjc5Mjg0NjU@._V1_SY1000_CR0,0,666,1000_AL_.jpg[/img][/center] [b][center][color=0054a6]Hades[/color][/center][/b] [/h1][/sup][/color][indent][sub][COLOR=0054a6][I]Seattle University, SEATTLE[/I][/COLOR][/sub][/indent][indent][sup][right][COLOR=0054a6][b]GOD OF The Dead[/b][/color][/right][/sup][/indent][hr] Hades sat quietly seemingly unfazed by the news of his nephew's death. He showed no signs of remorse or even sadness, simply an indifferent stare as cold as death. Truth be told however Hades did feel something for the death of one of his fellow greeks. He felt a mix of sadness and anger but never showed it. If the Morrigan didn't know the cause of death then that meant the Colossus wasn't responsible and more than likely his blood one was on that of another god's hands. Of course, he had his suspicions of who was to blame but this was neither the time nor the place for that conversation, especially with tensions running as high as they were. The acts of Ares and Hera only served to prove his point. The latter of which irritated him the most of the two. [color=0054a6][i]“Some nerve to act as though you care about a child you abandoned.”[/i][/color] he thought to himself as he glanced in the direction of the screaming banshee herself. Unlike some gods present room, Hades could see through the lie that was Hera. She had never carried about Hephestus when they were gods and strongly doubted that changed when they lost that. Additionally, not that he thought she was responsible this time, Hades found it ironic that of all people to be the accuser of murdering another god it would be Hera. The very women that threw Hephestus off Olympus simply based on looks, attempted multiple times to kill Hercules to get back at his brother, and even tried and partially succeeded in murdering his son based on a fortune. This also wasn't even including the countless mortal lives Hera had ruined. From his position looking towards Hera, as if on cue, Hades could see Dio and Comus sitting next to each other on the verge of tears from the news. Almost immediately Hades felt a pain in his chest that replaced his anger for Hera with sadness for his two precious children. He knew how close Dio and the now-deceased god were back in the old times. Surprising the god of parties made for the best peacemaker whenever Hepestus became angry. Cursing under his breath Hades Ignored everything else happening in the room for the time being, as he made his way over to the two looking down at them with as warm a face he could muster. Seeing tears either slowly falling or threatening to break loose, Hades let out a sigh as he slowly slid down next to his beloved Granddaughter. Placing his arm around the curled up form of Comus Hades did his best to comfort her. [color=0054a6][i]“You were always better at this than I was.”[/i][/color] he thought to himself as he continued to look at the gods slowly being calmed down. [color=0054a6]“Shhh shhh. It's ok,”[/color] he said in whispers as to not interrupt the other squabbling gods. [color=0054a6]“I know it hurts. But don't worry I will find out who or what did this.”[/color] Hades paused for a moment looking between the two of them. There was never a time where Hades wouldn't have done anything for his children. As far as he was concerned he would face down the entire pantheon without fear if it meant keeping them safe. But things like this were never truly his strong suit if he was being honest. At least the verbal part never was. All he could hope was that they understood that he genuinely did feel their pain and wanted to help. Holding on a little tighter to Comus' shoulder and looking towards Dio Hades held a face that was both deathly serious and full of love [color=0054a6]“And I promise I will never let this happen to either of you.”[/color] [hr][sub][right][color=0054a6] Interactions: [@KZOMBI3], [@pandapolio][/color][/right][/sub]